Amy Schumer Was Hospitalized For An Infection & It Sounds Seriously Painful
Poor, poor, Amy Schumer. She's had a ton of amazing things going on as of late — you know, a new husband, a new movie, and just generally kicking ass and taking names — but this week clearly wasn't her best. That's because Amy Schumer was hospitalized for a kidney infection, and honestly, it sounds incredibly painful. And, because she's still recovering, that means that unfortunately, she has to take some time off for her health.
According to TMZ, Schumer "spent the week in the hospital with a kidney infection" and is unable to to travel to London to attend the opening of her new movie, I Feel Pretty. In an Instagram post, Schumer told her fans about the incident, and how she's bummed that she'll be missing the London opening, but has to take the time to heal (understandably). On April 27, Schumer wrote,
Here’s what I’ve been up to this week. I was hospitalized for 5 days with a horrible kidney infection. I want to give a big thank you to the doctors, the bad ass nurses also my husband who’s name is, i want to say, Chris? and my sisters Kimby and mol who have been by my side the whole time.
Leave it to Amy to add in just a hint of sarcasm while still in a hospital bed. Classic.
She continued, writing,
I wanted to share this with you because this is sexy as hell but mostly because I was meant to go to London for the opening of I Feel Pretty and my doctors have told me that’s a no go. I’m really disappointed selfishly to miss this trip because I love London and Europe in general and all the great people (food) there. But I need to put my health first. I am so grateful for all the support the movie is getting. I hope people check it out in England and everywhere else in the world. It’s sweet and fun and you will walk out feeling better. Which is something I hope to feel soon too.
I'm a bit of a baby when it comes to medical things, so seeing someone hooked up to IV drips and generally looking miserable makes me freak out just slightly. I just want to give Schumer a hug and tell her that everything is going to be alright.
Fortunately for her, she has someone way more important doing that for her: her new husband, Chris Fischer. Because remember, folks, in *sickness* and in health. It's pretty much a marriage stipulation.
But I bet Fischer is more than happy to do it, considering the newlyweds just seem super in love. Schumer opened up to Nikki Glaser about how life is after marriage in an interview on Glaser's SiriumXM Radio show, You Up with Nikki Glaser, and it's pretty obvious just how much these two care for each other (and love the fact that they're married). She said,
Somebody went to sit next to [Chris] and he's like, ‘My wife is sitting here,' and then I got back and he was excited to tell me that he said that. I just have been really overusing it to a degree that's insane. Like, when it's completely uncalled for.
Stop with the cuteness! And what about being married? "It feels f*cking good!" she told Glaser. "I'm a wife as hell. But it's still like, a novelty." Hello, everyone, I'd like to introduce you to a thing called true love. It's the thing that Amy Schumer and Chris Fischer have, and it's all sorts of adorable.
In good times and bad, through thick and thin, and even when your kidneys are ailing you, it's nice to know that someone's got your back, and Amy Schumer is clearly in good hands.
So rest up, Amy! We need you back in good health and cracking jokes like, yesterday.