These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Worst Week, But You Can Handle This
You can't win with a bad horoscope. Believe me, I know. If life is already weighing you down, the bad horoscope just makes everything feel worse. If things happen to be going well, you start waiting for the moment things take a negative turn. A bad horoscope can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, and truthfully, I don't want to do that to you. However, starting April 16, 2018, this will be the worst week for these zodiac signs: Gemini, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. Before you let your heart drop, allow me to explain.
The planetary energy in the air this week is incredible. A new moon in Aries lit a fuse in your soul on Sunday and its motivating force is pulsing in the air. Chiron shifts into Aries on April 17, setting you off on a new path toward healing. Saturn moves into retrograde on the same day, allowing you to make amends with your past. The sun enters grounding Taurus on April 19, steadying the earth beneath you. Lastly, on April 22, Pluto will be going into retrograde, sharpening your edges.
Although these transitions are magnificent, they won't necessarily be easy. They'll constrain, twist, bend, and even break the strongest of us all. However, that doesn't mean you have to be miserable. There are always shades of beauty inside pain. It's up to you to find it.
Gemini: Things Might Feel Slow And Frustrating
You're undergoing some serious change this week, and it will stir you from deep within. You might feel a lot of conflicting things, but you'll have trouble understanding which instinct to trust. Saturn and Pluto are wreaking havoc on your eighth house of reincarnation, one of the most complex houses in all of astrology. Both of these planets happen to be entering retrograde this week, which can leave you feeling hopeless and frustrated with where things are going in your life.
Although the intensity of your internal world might make you feel like bursting, remember that these planets are simply tightening knobs and detangling wires. They're rearranging your patterns and powering you with fresh energy. This may not only be confusing, but painful. Trust in it. You're improving, even if it doesn't feel like it.
Scorpio: You Might Feel Uncomfortable In Your Skin
Your ruling planet, Pluto, enters retrograde this week. The sudden shift in your life could feel like a slip and a fall. The planet that provides the source of your greatest vitality will appear to be rolling backwards in the sky. This has the tendency to make you feel like going into hiding. Even though this retrograde will feel like taking two steps forward and three steps behind, there is an important lesson in life that you've skipped over. Pluto is just allowing you another chance to learn it.
Although you might feel a lot more insecure than usual, this could bring you closer to your most intimate loved ones, especially because Venus enters your seventh house of partnerships on April 20. The safest place for you is in the arms of someone you trust, opening up to them about your deepest vulnerabilities.
Sagittarius: This Week Will Be About Work, Not Play
If you were hoping this week will be about pleasure and romance, you may find these waters harder to tap into. However, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. The sun's move into Taurus will shift your focus onto productivity and busy work. If you've made plans that involve fun and entertainment, you might feel anxious and guilty that you aren't working instead. The move into Taurus will flip a switch in your mind, reminding you of all the things you should be doing.
You might also feel your finances dwindling with Saturn, your money planet, moving into retrograde. This will only intensify your need to get important things done instead of procrastinating. Although this week might feel monotonous and tiring, you seriously deserve a pat on the back for getting through it. If you move with its motivating energy, you'll have accomplished so much.