If You're Any Of These 3 Zodiac Signs, Aquarius Season Will Be Exciting
Capricorn season was quite challenging, and it's partly due to there being more than five planets in earth signs. Nevertheless, things are about to turn around, because it's now Aquarius season 2020, and it'll be the best for these zodiac signs — Gemini, Libra, Aquarius — so enjoy this breath of fresh air. Despite it being the season of the notoriously logical and emotionally detached water bearer, it still doesn't take away from its sparkling insight and techie-inspired fun. Remember, life is cyclical and it's when you flow with the season that things finally start to make sense.
Truth is, the new year really kicks off on the first day of Aries season, which marks the first day of spring. Once Taurus season rolls around, you're given the gift of the senses, followed by Gemini season, where you use these gifts to process information and communicate it. You nurture your heart during Cancer season, and tap into your inner child during Leo season, before using your unique gifts for the greater good during Virgo season. Libra season is for relationship building, Scorpio season is for shedding snake skin, and Sagittarius season is for expanding horizons.
Things start to manifest during Capricorn season; therefore, it is your duty to consider the future by tapping into your higher mind during Aquarius season. And Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are bound to have the best Aquarius season yet.
Gemini: You're Thriving And Defining Your Personal Philosophy
You made it, Gemini. Capricorn season really wasn't all that great, especially for you, given that it illuminated your eighth house of transformation, surrender, and all that's hidden beneath the surface. Not trying to go back in time (even though that's very Aquarius-like), but what did you learn last season? Are you ready to embark on a life-changing journey? No one said it was going to be easy, but that doesn't mean you won't have a little fun in the process.
With the sun shaking up your exotic ninth house of education, travel, higher learning, and faith, you're not only being given a second chance to pursue your goals, you're also being given a much-needed breath of fresh air. Open your heart and mind, Gemini.
Libra: Where's Your Will To Be Weird? It's Time To Play
You're out of the black hole, Libra. I know how much you've been struggling these past couple of months. Things on the home front probably haven't been a walk in the park — but the good news is, you're stronger and more resilient than ever. That's what the universe does: It challenges you to evolve and become the best version of yourself.
Now that the sun will slide into your expressive fifth house of fun, love, creativity, children and romance, it's safe to say you'll be back to basics in no time.
Aquarius: Happiest Of Birthdays To You
Are you ready to kick off a brand-new year, Aquarius? During Capricorn season, the sun hovered over your sleepy 12th house of endings, closure, karma, and spirituality. This is where you go when you sleep, before you're born again; it's the area of the chart that belongs to dreamy Pisces.
I know it's been a rough couple of months, but Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node are simply helping you purge what no longer serves you. Whatever it is that you're still resisting is what will challenge you the most. Pay attention to the signs. In the meantime, however, cheers to blessed solar return. The sun is here to energize and revitalize you.
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