Archie & Betty's Shower Sex Scene Has 'Riverdale' Fans Losing! It!
Spoiler alert: This post contains spoilers for Riverdale Season 5, Episode 5, "Homecoming." Well, Barchie hive, after literal years of waiting, your time has officially come: The lifelong besties finally took their friendship to the next level — that is, if you call a steamy, spontaneous hookup "the next level." Once you stop screaming (either out of joy or rage) at your television, you're probably still trying to process Archie and Betty's shower sex scene on Riverdale. Whether you stan them or not, it's been a long time coming.
From the start, Riverdale fans have known an Archie-Betty coupling was not just a very real possibility, but maybe even fate. In the Archie comics, which Riverdale is based upon, Barchie is the true endgame couple. But then viewers saw how great Betty and Jughead were together and how perfect Veronica and Archie seemed, and some jumped ship from Barchie to Bughead and Varchie.
For the longest time, it didn't really seem possible that both Betty and Archie would separate from Jughead and Veronica to get together, but that's where Season 5's seven-year time jump comes in. After the Core Four graduated high school, the series fast-forwarded seven years into the future in Episode 4. Now, with Betty, Archie, Veronica, and Jughead all having grown up and gone their separate ways, a Barchie paring makes a lot more sense. So when the two got down and dirty (or I guess, clean?) during the Feb. 17 episode, it was ~steamy,~ but not completely unexpected.
After Betty and Archie raided Archie's family home (which had turned into a Ghoulie drug lair), the pair were seen cleaning up the mess post ambush. Sweaty and tired, Archie and Betty decided to order a pizza... but first, Archie said he wanted to take a shower. Betty started to ask if she should go home to shower just as Archie offered to let her use his. They both froze, looked each other up and down, and after five seasons, they officially had sex. And yes, it was worth the wait.
Suspiciously similar to the Varchie shower scene from Season 2, the tryst started with a silhouette shot of the couple before getting up close and personal. What began as an unrequited high school crush on Betty's part finally led to the two sucking face in the steam, something Barchie shippers were clearly here for.
Bughead stans, however, are not OK. Despite Betty and Jughead seeming cordial post breakup, fans can't forget the years of love the characters had for each other.
After decades of close friendship and a few ill-fated kisses along the way, it kinda looked like Betty and Archie might finally be getting together. However, their post-hookup scene together might indicate otherwise. After they got out of the shower, the two had the standard "we just had sex" chat. They agreed sleeping together was something they both always wanted since high school, but now they're "just good old friends" and "single adults" who are "allowed to have fun every now and again." (Um, Betty, don't you have a boyfriend?!)
This seems all well and good, except they both agreed to keep their hookup a secret from everyone, including Jughead and Veronica. Whether or not their rendezvous will stay private, fans will just have to wait and see. Considering this is Riverdale, I have a feeling things are about to get messy.
New episodes of Riverdale air Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.