Ariana Grande Posted A Heartbreaking Statement About Her Breakup From Mac Miller
Have you heard the news that Ariana Grande and Mac Miller have ended their relationship after two years of dating? If you haven't, I'm so sorry to have ruined your day. If you already knew, then you've been undoubtedly weeping in a corner like I have been. And, in case you feel like having your heart broken all over again, you might want to check out Ariana Grande's statement about her breakup from Mac Miller, because man, will it crush you. It will take any semblance of hope you had for true love to exist, and it will smash it until it turns to dust. Am I being dramatic? Maybe. Am I inserting myself into another couple's business? Also, maybe. But do I care? Absolutely not.
According to TMZ, Grande and Miller decided to split amicably due to their conflicting work schedules, but that they remain "the closest of friends." It took me a minute to process how someone can end a relationship and still be on good terms with the other person, but I *think* I'm starting to understand it. They love each other, but they just don't have the time to make that love grow. And that's a damn shame, people. A damn shame.
To address the breakup in a way that's classy and civil (also things I haven't mastered yet), Grande took to her Instagram story and told her fans just how much she supports Miller, no matter what. She wrote,
Hi! This is one of my best friends in the whole world and favorite people on the planet Malcolm McCormick I respect and adore him endlessly and am grateful to have him in my life in and form, at all times regardless of how our relationship changes or what the universe holds for each of us!
She continued, saying, "Unconditional love is not selfish. It is wanting the best for that person even if at the moment, it's not you. I can't wait to know and support you forever and I'm so proud of you!!"
Insert sob emoji here.
And, while we're still trying to wrap our heads around this awful news, there was no mention of when the breakup happened. Have we been living in a world where the two were no longer together and we were just too blind to see it? Or was this something that happened pretty recently?
The world may never know, but when Grande's "No Tears Left To Cry" dropped, Miller took to Twitter to show how proud he was of her. He wrote,
Very proud of this girl right here. Welcome back. We missed you. One of a kind.
Aaaand now seems like a great time to stick my head under a pillow, where I can see nothing but sweet, sweet, darkness.
If you think I'm overreacting, then you *might* want to take a look at Twitter, because fans are feeling this loss REAL hard, OK?
Many felt like this news ruined their day. Their week. Their month. Or even their year:
Others thought that it had to be a joke, because if it wasn't, what chance do we have at real love if they can't make it?
And some just called it how they saw it — that Ariana Grande and Mac Miller's breakup is actually offensive:
How dare they? Seriously, how DARE they? I mean, we had our sights set on them. We saw them as a beacon of light. We were rooting for them, damnit!
My sentiments exactly, Tyra.
Look, it's really sweet that they're going to remain friends, but let me be clear. On behalf of the entire world, we want Ariana and Mac back together, forever. We will not negotiate, and we will accept nothing less.