Malia Obama's Boyfriend Quarantined With Her Family & Barack Went Peak Dad
In 2020, President Barack Obama has been much more open about his private life than he has in the past, and it's made for some very relatable anecdotes. In an interview to promote his recently released book, A Promised Land, the former POTUS shared his reaction to his eldest daughter's boyfriend, and let's just say, if you grew up with a protective father, then you may feel this in your bones. Barack Obama's comments about Malia's boyfriend are some peak embarrassing dad humor. Malia, it's OK, it happens to everyone.
On Dec. 18, Bill Simmons released his weekly podcast episode with Obama as a special guest. As the former president shared details about his home life during early quarantine, some interesting and funny moments popped up. "[Like] a lot of families, we went through that first month where we were playing games every night and doing little arts and crafts projects," Obama told Simmons. "Then slowly, you know, they started to get a little bored with us," he added of his daughters. Apparently, the family played card games to pass the time. "[I taught] Malia and Sasha, and Malia's boyfriend who was with us for a little while, spades."
Hold on. Malia's boyfriend stayed with the Obamas during quarantine?
Simmons was audibly jarred by this news, calling it the "biggest revelation of the podcast." As it turns out, Malia's boyfriend, rumored to be Harvard student Rory Farquharson, stayed with the former first family from the very beginning. Obama explained it was out of necessity: "He was sort of stuck because there was a whole visa thing," Obama explained, noting the BF in question is from Britain. "So we took him in and I didn't want to like him, but he's a good kid," he stated, later calling Malia's boyfriend a "wonderful young man."
Phew. What's it like to have the blessing of the former leader of the free world? However, it seems like the young man has quite an appetite. "The only thing you discover — this is not a surprise to you, Bill, because you've got a son — young men eat," Obama told Simmons. "It's weird to watch them consume food. My grocery bill went up about 30%," he added. Did Malia's boyfriend eat a whole package of Oreos in one sitting or something? The world may never know.
The world does know, however, that Obama does love his daughter very much. "Malia, she is just buoyant," the former president gushed in a Nov. 19 interview with InStyle. "She’s somebody who enjoys people, enjoys life, and enjoys conversation. She’s never bored, which is a bad*ss quality that can take you places."
President or not, clearly you can't expect a dad to not tease his daughter about her boyfriend, at least a little bit. I guess the Obamas really are an all-American family.