Becoming An Aunt For The Second Time Means These 5 Things May Be Easier For You
Being an aunt has been such a blessing in my life. I've adored getting to know my two-year-old niece, and it has given me a sense of joy I can only equate to a feeling similar to what I believe I'll feel when I have kids of my own one day. My sister just had her second girl, and becoming an aunt for the second time showed me all of the things that are going to be so much easier for me this time around.
From changing a diaper to having quality bonding time with my niece, I feel like there are a few things that I'm going to be so much better at this time around. I know every aunt's experience is totally different, and every niece and nephew is different, too. But, there are a few things that many of us have in common. First and foremost, of course, is that we love our nieces and nephews to the moon and back, and having them as part of our family is such a gift.
So, if you might become a second time aunt sometime soon, keep in mind that a few of these things might be a little easier for you.
01You Might Not Be As Intimidated To Hold Your New Niece Or Nephew
The first time I held my older niece, I was terrified I wouldn't be able to support her head properly. My sister made fun of me for holding her so gingerly, because I looked really uncomfortable, but wanted to make absolutely sure I was doing it correctly. With my second niece, I felt completely at ease, and I didn't have to ask for pointers on how to hold her. I knew exactly what to do.
02You Might Be Able To Bond Better With The Kids In Your Life
Watching my older niece grow up has been such a joy. She's been able to figure out how to ask for things she wants, and she makes an effort to communicate all of her emotions, even if it's not entirely clear to me yet. Now that I've seen what it's like for a toddler to learn how to speak, I think I'll be able to better understand my younger niece when she gets to that point.
03You Might Be Better At Changing A Diaper
Changing a diaper the first few — or several — times was pretty awkward for me. I wanted to make sure I was holding my niece's legs properly and cleaning her without making her feel uncomfortable. But now that I've changed more diapers than I can even count, I feel like I'm a pro.
04You Might Know What Activities Are Good For Each Age
Now that I've done a ton of things with my first niece — from going to Disney World, to hanging out at the mall — I have a better idea of what types of activities are great ideas to do with kids in each age group. Even though my older niece is only two years old, the kinds of activities that were good for her even six months ago aren't as applicable now, so it's good to have a better understanding for my second niece.
05You Might Be Better At Bonding With Kids
I'll be the first to admit that bonding with kids can be difficult at first. I've been a camp counselor, babysitter, teacher, and theater director, and I've always had issues connecting with children. Now that I've been through the bonding process with my older niece — and she tells me she loves me when she sees me — I believe I'll be able to have that special connection with my second niece, too.
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