11 High-Key Reasons Why Being A Dog Mama Is One Of The Greatest Joys In Life
Ditching your planner after a long, stressful day and knowing that a bottle of rosé is waiting for you at home is comforting AF. What makes it even better? Having an incredibly adorable, furry face and wagging tail greet you at the door upon arrival. All you want to do is escape reality for a bit, slip on your fuzzy slippers, and snuggle the night away with your fur baby. Being a dog mom is undoubtedly one of the greatest joys in life — and if you have a furry friend of your own, you already know just how lucky you truly are. The fact that your pup has an endless amount of love, cuddles, and loyalty they want to give is a pretty solid place to start.
When you first laid eyes on your fur bae, you fell head over heels in love. From that very moment, you knew your life would change — in the best way. You tend to find it difficult to say "no" to those precious puppy dog eyes, and who can really blame you? They command and deserve attention (and treats) at all times. When the weekend comes, sometimes (OK, let's be real, most of the time) you opt for a chill night in spent with the fur babe and some popcorn instead of a wild night out with your friends. You and your pooch are the ultimate team, and the laid-back vibes suit you.
Your pup is truly your stars, your sun, and your moon — and the unconditional amount of love you have for them is unreal. Here's why being a dog mama is the best kind of title there is.
01Sunday Scaries, No More
We all know Sunday scaries are the actual worst, but your pup is your bright ray of sunshine that keeps the vibes up on the gloomiest of days. This includes when your beloved weekend is, unfortunately, coming to a close.
Lazy Sundays spent curled up on the couch streaming Netflix are so much better when you have a sweet pup to share them with. Doing absolutely nothing never felt more fulfilling, and those scaries seem to fade away with one look at that cute little face.
02You, Hands-Down, Have The Best Cuddle Companion
The snuggle is real, and we're so here for it. Dogs are total pros at so many things, and cuddling is definitely high up there on their list of slay-worthy attributes.
After a long day at work, all you really want to do is lounge on your bed and soak up the little slice of (fluffy) heaven who's chillin' next to you. It's as simple as that. Our furry friends prove that life really can be so sweet.
03Real Talk: Has Anyone Ever Been Happier To See You?
When that munchkin greets you at the door, you're guaranteed instant happiness and all the good vibes flowing your way. For real though — has anyone ever been happier to see you at every waking moment of the day? I'm sure your presence is totally rad, but your pooch surely appreciates it the most.
04Unconditional Love, 24/7
Need I say more? You can always count on your fur bae to deliver unconditional love. One of the best feelings in the world is when you're sitting on the couch watching TV, reading a book, or sipping on your morning mug of coffee, and see your pup out of the corner of your eye just staring at you. It's like they're tossing cupids arrows at you, and it instantly makes you melt.
05They'll Watch Whatever You Want To Watch, Without Giving You A Hard Time
Your furry friend is just so happy to be part of your world. Although they might steal your spot on the couch, they won't fight over the remote and will be so, incredibly happy that you're spending one-on-one time together. Whether you're feelin' a romantic comedy or a sappy chick flick — your pooch will support your decision with an endless amount of cuddles and kisses.
06They Love And Enjoy Almost Every Plan You Invite Them To
Talk about being prepped to shred and slay. There's nothing like a companion who's appreciative AF about the effort you put into organizing a dope plan, am I right? Your pup's always down for some adventure, but probably loves chilling in the backyard sunbathing just the same. You won't hear a complaint out of them, but maybe some sassiness for a treat.
07They Have Bad Hair Days, Too, So There's No Stressin' About Looking Your Best
Honestly, even when their hair is sticking up in every direction after rolling around on the rug, they still look so freaking cute. And if you're having a bad hair day, too, you look over at each other as if to say, "same."
08They're The Best Ride Or Die, Because They're Always Down For Some Cruisin'
Any warm summer afternoon or crisp fall day when you want to go cruisin', your pup is in there like swimwear. They look so much cooler than the rest of us when they stick their heads out the window and soak up those warm rays of sunshine. They come with a no judgement attitude when it comes to your music preferences, too.
09They Know How To Make The Best Impression On Any Person You're Diggin'
Heck yeah, your pup may very well have more game than you do. They know exactly how to make just about anyone melt, and that includes the person you're crushing on... or even just a hottie you run into on your morning run. What can I say? They're total stud and chick magnets.
10They Make You Laugh And Smile Without Even Trying
Talk about cuteness overload. Your pup can do just about anything — you name it — and it's guaranteed to be beyond precious. Even when they're causing serious mischief around the house (ahem, running around the living room with a roll of toilet paper), you can't help but smile.
11They Value Naps Just As Much As You Do, If Not More
Rainy and snowy weekends just call for naps, and honestly, so do laid-back summer days chilling on your hammock. Your pup understands just how crucial nap time is. Whenever you want to curl up and hit the snooze button, your pup will be the first one to support this kind of lazy plan.