This Online Love Story Led To An Engagement Because Of This One Tweet & It Is The Sweetest
When Ben Axelrod and Tory Stachowicz tell their engagement story, they'll be able to say that it all started with a tweet. No, really, it did. The newly engaged couple sparked their romance with a tweet way back in December 2014. The pair eventually met in person and presumably fell in love, because they announced their recent engagement on Saturday, Feb. 10. Get ready to swoon, because Ben Axelrod and Torey Stachowicz's tweet engagement might be the sweetest thing you see on the internet today.
Before I get to all of the adorable engagement details, I have to give major props to Stachowicz (@toreydanae) because she did the dang thing on Dec. 3, 2014 when she tweeted Axelrod that she wanted to go on a date with him. She went full Sadie Hawkins by not wasting time waiting for her crush to ask her out, and she did it on Twitter for all of the internet to see (get it, girl). It's a good thing she put it all out there because it turns out that tweet ignited their romance.
From there, the Twitter lovebirds engaged in some witty banter (more on that later), and then cut to a little more than three years later on Saturday, Feb. 10, Axelrod had a tweet of his own to share with all of Twitter.
Axelrod quoted Stachowicz's first tweet asking him out in 2014, and then he wrote, "I want to marry @toreydanae."
So it's official, these two are living in their very own romantic comedy. I am not mad at it one bit, though, because this Twitter love story is what the world needs right now.
Despite their rom-com love story, these two aren't a couple of Hollywood stars on the big screen. Acoording to their respective Twitter pages, Axelrod is a producer and sportswriter for a news station in Cleveland, Ohio, and Stachowicz is a certified personal trainer. So, they're keeping hope alive for all the single peeps out there as they prove they're just a couple of everyday people who, as Rihanna sings, "found love in a hopeless place" (AKA the 2018 dating scene). OK, technically they found love in 2014, but Stachowicz said yes to Axelrod putting a ring on it 2018, and now all of Twitter can see their modern love story.
"I bent the knee. She said yes!"
Now that you know their story has a happy ending (impending nuptials and all), you can look back at how it all began.
Here is the tweet that started it all.
After Stachowicz laid it all out there in 2014, Axelrod jokingly inquired who would foot the bill on the date.
"You buying?"
Stachowicz was down to buy, and she even sweetened the deal in her reply.
"Haha yes I will, your favorite place too."
Axelrod, being a reasonable guy, replied that she should pick the restaurant if she's picking up the tab, but he did have one special request.
"Nah, if you're buying, you can pick. Just make sure they have chicken fingers."
That must have sounded fair enough to Stachowicz as she OK'd his requests.
"Done, and done."
Do you love this couple just a little bit more now? Yeah, you're not alone. I mean, just look at that easy repartee in their first ever Twitter conversation. These two were definitely meant to be together.
If their engagement isn't enough to prove that their love is going strong, just take a look at Stachowicz's tweets immediately following the big news.
Apparently, the couple must have popped a celebratory bottle or two because Stachowicz was feeling more than newly-engaged bliss on Sunday morning.
"My hangover is outta this world."
Ouch! That's OK, though, because I'm sure she'll get back to her regularly programmed Twitter love story as soon as the headache subsides. I know all of Twitter will be following along as these two plan for their walk down the aisle. Here's to hoping they live tweet the ceremony!