Womp, Brad Called Jen His "Really Good Friend" At The Golden Globes
I'm so sorry to any of you who were hoping they would get back together, but Brad Pitt’s quote about Jennifer Aniston at the Golden Globes swiftly shut down any hopes for a romantic reunion real hard. On Jan. 5, during an interview with Entertainment Tonight on the red carpet, one brave reporter asked Pitt about his ex wife. "OK, the obsession," the reporter began. "The world — the internet — is waiting for this moment where you and Jennifer run into each other so they can take their picture."
Pitt responded to the comment totally casually. "I’ll run into Jen," he said, as though it was totally NBD, breezily adding that "she’s a good friend." At this point, Pitt started to get a little giggly. He tried starting a sentence, but wound up bursting into nervous giggles and eventually settled on this joke (?) about reuniting with his ex. "Yes, the second most important reunion of her year as I understand it. That was a play on Friends..." he said. Pitt awkwardly trailed off before finishing that thought, but I'm going to go ahead and assume he was referring to the rumors of a Friends reunion.
So, the main takeaway here is that Pitt and Aniston are just friends, despite many fans hoping for some sort of reunion. According to E! News, the two did reportedly cross paths at the CAA after-party at Los Angeles' Sunset Tower.
"They said hello very quickly," the source reportedly told E! News. "Jen arrived after Brad. It was brief, but [they] were very cordial and friendly and seemed happy to be there. They approached each other once they saw each other inside and looked happy as they started to hug and say hello. Jen whispered something to Brad, but it wasn't in an affectionate way. They both didn't seem like they wanted to make a big deal about being together in the same room although it was a private party. They were trying to be low-key. Brad left shortly after and didn't stay at the party long."
Trust me, I really do hate to be the bearer of bad news here... but I think these two really might be just friends.