Brie Larson Eats Donuts During Her Workouts Because Balance Is *Everything*
When's the last time you ate a donut in the middle of a challenging workout? If you're low-key perplexed by this question and have never indulged in a gloriously sweet treat mid-sweat sesh, then you should probably get on that ASAP, fam. Or, you should at least head over to one of Brie Larson's recent workout posts on Instagram, so the Captain Marvel actress herself can show you how this whole fitness thing is really done.
Are you confused yet? Allow me to explain: About a week ago, on Nov. 18, Larson posted a seemingly standard Instagram video of herself getting her sweat on at the gym. Nothing new to see here, right? Just a woman doing some slow, super intense-looking leg raises to work out her core? Well, think again.
The Room actress captioned her Instagram post, "wait for it...." because, when she was done with her slow and steady leg raises, she reached over and took a satisfying — and, might I add, completely adorable — bite out of a frosted donut that was hidden on the floor next to her barbell that entire time.
Ugh, if this woman isn't the purest definition of #goals, then I really don't know who is.
I mean, for real, how awesome is it that Brie Larson likes to eat donuts while she works out? If you ask me, it just goes to show that the carefree and confident celeb doesn't take fitness too seriously. She can hammer out a few reps of leg raises, and she can pound donuts like it's nobody's business.
Look, I'm sure Larson probably posted the video sheerly for the LOLs, but she's also showing that a healthy lifestyle is all about balance. There's room for both ab workouts and donuts in a wellness routine, and I don't know about you, but I'm all about the mindset and good vibes that Larson's putting out into the universe with this post. That, and it's also kind of making me hungry. Come to think of it, I haven't had munchkins from Dunkin' Donuts in forever.
Anyway, aside from her fabulous example of a balanced lifestyle, if you take a moment to scroll through Larson's overall Instagram profile, you'll see that she works out pretty regularly — what's more, her workouts actually look really doable.
In one post, for instance, Larson showed how she does medicine ball crunches, and TBH, I'm sweating just watching her.
The actress used a 12-pound ball in her video, but of course, you can use whatever weight feels good for you — or no weight at all, if you feel like you don't need it. And, if you're riding solo at the gym, feel free to hold whatever weight you may use throughout the workout, as it's not necessary to throw it to a partner to feel the burn.
In another Instagram post, Larson demonstrated how to make some major back gains using nothing but a resistance band. Uh, are you seeing the strength of her back muscles?! She is a real-life superhero, y'all.
This move, called a reverse fly, works your chest, shoulders, and middle back, and the best part is, if you have a resistance band, you can do this workout literally wherever, whenever.
Not really feeling either of these workouts? No worries — try letting out some pent-up aggression with Larson's axe-chopping workout.
This functional exercise is an incredible addition to any workout routine, and I'm willing to bet that your favorite part will be the donut you treat yourself to after you're done.