Oh, Wow... Harry Styles Used A Voicemail From Camille Rowe In "Cherry"
Harry Styles knows how to handle a breakup: by writing a song about it. Styles released his latest album, Fine Line, on Friday, Dec. 13, and it's filled with a ton of toe-tapping tunes, and songs with a lot of emotion. But some songs are more emotional than others. For example, Camille Rowe's voicemail for Harry Styles in "Cherry" will give you goosebumps.
Fans will recall Styles’ relationship with Rowe, which lasted for a year before the two split in July 2018. Well, when Fine Line came out and listeners got a hold of his song “Cherry,” all signs pointed at it being about his past romance with Rowe.
On the track, Styles sings about his heartbreak, and watching Rowe move on with her reported new beau Theo Niarchos: “Don't you call him ‘baby’ / We're not talking lately / Don't you call him what you used to call me / I, I confess I can tell that you are at your best/ I'm selfish so I'm hating it / I noticed that there's a piece of you in how I dress/ Take it as a compliment.”
More so, hinting at Niarchos' job as an art dealer, Styles croons: "I just miss your accent and your friends / Did you know I still talk to them? Does he take you walking ‘round his parents’ gallery?”
As "Cherry" comes to an end, a voicemail left by Rowe in French plays, and it'll give you all the feels.
"Coucou!" Rowe says excitedly before giggling. "Tu dors ? Oh, j'suis désolée... Bah non... Nan, c'est pas important... Bon allez... On a été à la plage, et maintenant on — Parfait! Harry."
According to Capital FM, the message translates to: "Hello! Are you asleep? Oh, I’m sorry… Well, no… No, it’s not important... Well… We went to the beach and we — Perfect."
In a November interview with Apple Music's Beats 1, Styles confirmed that an ex-girlfriend's voice was featured on "Cherry." While he didn't name any names, due to the French accent, it's safe to say Rowe is the former flame who landed on the tune.
"That was my ex-girlfriend," Styles told Lowe. "I don't know. I think it was because it got added in later on, and it felt so part of the song. It just felt like it needed it. We're friends and stuff, so I asked her if it was okay. And she was okay with it. I think she liked it."
While a heartbroken Harry Styles is something fans do not want to see, it definitely was a great touch for a great song.