Here’s What To Know About Changing Your Insta Best 9 If You’re Not Thrilled With It
I honestly don't know how we made it to the end of this year alive. I'm sure I'm not the only one saying that I wish some of the memories of 2017 would disappear, but sadly, that's just not the way the world works. And as we all know, the internet is written in ink, not pencil, so there's no changing whatever you've posted on social media accounts either. And guess what? Your Instagram feed is no exception to that rule. So if you're not loving the automatically-generated top posts from your feed and find yourself wondering how to change your Instagram Best Nine, you might be a little out of luck.
So the short answer to your burning Insta-question? There isn't really a way for you to change the automatic collection of the top nine posts from your Instagrams this year. Because the website that's used to create the collage of your best 'grams automatically generates the most-liked posts that you've shared with the world, there isn't really any way around choosing which pictures you think deserve to be in the collage. There are two different versions of the collage: one features how many posts you created throughout the year and includes how many likes each individual top post received, as well as how many likes your account received altogether. The second collage, on the other hand, only features each of the most-liked photographs, without showing likes. So while there are two options for displaying the collage, what you see is what you get.
But even if you're not fond of the memories that the website says are the best images that you've shared over the past year, it's a super fun and easy way to reminisce on what's gone down over during these last 12 months. All you have to do is go on 2017bestnine.com, input your Insta-handle, and wait patiently until your nine most-loved Instagrams pop up in a neat collage. According to the site, this process could take up to 10 minutes, so try not to pull the trigger and refresh the page too soon.
After you type in your handle, the site will take a couple of minutes to generate your results...
...and voila! Your top posts of the year are ready for you to share on your feed for all the world to see.
To be honest, I'm not upset with my top nine at all. It looks to me like I had a great year, although the news headlines from 2017 would suggest otherwise. Government leaders seem to last as long as the average Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher; the largest mass shooting in modern American history occurred in Las Vegas in October; and North Korea and the threat of nuclear attack has seemingly become more of the threat than ever before — just to name a few of the devastating events that have happened over the past 12 months.
While I'm sure more than a handful of the American population would like to erase some of these events from their memories, unfortunately that's just not the way the world turns.
I don't want to be too much of a downer though, because in retrospect, 2017 wasn't all that bad. Young people have seemingly never been more energized or compelled to engage in politics, which is exactly what we need right now. And if you're still strapped wondering what there is to be happy about in 2017, just remind yourself that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry announced their engagement. I don't know if anyone can be sad knowing that a Royal wedding is in our future.
So despite all the bad that's happened in 2017, there's seriously so much to look forward to in 2018. And if you're not exactly loving your Instagram Best Nine, there's always the coming year to make up for what you may consider a lackluster social media showing. It's a lot more fun to be hopeful of what this next year could bring.