Chelsea Clinton Defended Malia Obama Over An Infuriating Tabloid Story
On Tuesday, Nov. 14, a former first daughter once again went on the defense on Twitter against a tabloid magazine. Chelsea Clinton defended Malia Obama on Twitter against false accusations, calling an article from the Globe, a tabloid magazine "loathsome." A Globe cover story claimed Malia Obama was being questioned in an FBI investigation related to her internship with the Weinstein company. There is no evidence that this is real, People reports. Elite Daily has reached out to the Obamas for comment and did not receive a response at time of publication.
The tabloid magazine, Globe, is owned by CEO of American Media David J. Pecker, who is also one of Trump's allies, raising criticism of political motives, according to People.
Former first daughter Clinton seemed to have sympathy for fellow former first daughter Obama, and they have likely had some shared experiences from being scrutinized and placed in the public eye. Clinton tweeted on Tuesday, "Loathsome. Just loathsome. Please leave Malia alone to lead her own life and keep her out of your (shameful) agenda!"
The Globe's cover story headline of Obama, 19, said she was, "Questioned in FBI Probe!” as a result of her work as a summer intern for the Weinstein Company. Below the headline, the magazine described the alleged investigation as, “Barack & Michelle’s Worst Nightmare.” The tabloid piece explained in further detail that Obama hasn't been questioned by the FBI yet, but that unnamed sources claimed that “agents want to grill Malia in a hush-hush deposition.”
The link Clinton included in her tweet was an article written by Oliver Willis from a left-leaning media company, ShareBlue Media, which described the Globe article as a “smear” from “Trump’s tabloid crony," referring to Pecker. Willis also accused the CEO of using his other publication, the National Enquirer, as a "platform to do Trump's dirty work for him." In ShareBlue, Willis went on to call Pecker's tabloids "the print wing of the pro-Trump media world," which he writes, "work alongside Fox News, Sinclair, Breitbart, and radio shows like Sean Hannity's and Rush Limbaugh's" and aim to promote a Trump agenda. Pecker and Trump have been friends for decades.
This is not the first (and probably will not be the last) time Clinton has defended fellow first family members. After another right-wing news site, The Daily Caller, criticized President Trump's 11-year-old son Barron Trump's outfit choices in August 2017, Clinton was quick to defend Barron on Twitter. Despite her feelings about his father, Clinton tweeted, "It's high time the media and everyone leave Barron Trump alone and let him have the private childhood he deserves."
To everyone's surprise, First Lady Melania Trump, who has made anti-bullying a cornerstone of her legacy in the White House, thanked Clinton for supporting children on Twitter. Melania tweeted, "Thank you @chelseaclinton - so important to support all of our children in being themselves!"
Being a part of the first family naturally exposes any member to public scrutiny, no matter how old. It also clearly carries on after they leave the White House, as in the case of the Obamas. The former first daughter, who is currently in her first year at Harvard Law School, has already been subject to media attention. In August, Obama made headlines as she moved into Harvard and was harassed by people wanting photographs all over campus. In one instance caught on video, an elderly woman asked Obama for a photograph, which she declined politely. The woman preceded to wait outside the restaurant Obama walked into. Once she walked out, Obama asked the woman, "Are you gonna take it in my face like an animal in a cage?"
According to People, there is no sign that the FBI has or will be investigating Obama in relation to her internship with the Weinstein company. No matter how many tabloids try and "expose" the 19-year-old's personal life or create stories, there will be people like Chelsea Clinton defending her and carrying on the hashtag #LetMaliaLive.