These Chelsea Clinton Quotes About Ivanka Trump Show This Relationship Has Changed
Being the first daughter can't be an easy task. Even though the position may not come with any political power, there's still a lot of pressure that comes with being associated with the leader of the free world. Well, the two might have been friends in the past, but these Chelsea Clinton's quotes about Ivanka Trump show that a lot has changed since Donald Trump took office.
Clearly Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump have had different experiences as first daughters. Clinton enjoyed her adolescent years in the White House while her father took care of the politics. Ivanka, on the other hand, is not only a grown woman but also is arguably Donald Trump's right hand while dealing with political matters.
The two women are obviously very different, but they do share one common thread: their position as first daughter. Despite their differences, Clinton admits that she and Trump were friends prior to the election. However, during an interview on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert in March, Clinton revealed she and Trump don't really communicate anymore or see eye to eye on issues.
"I have not spoken to her in a long time," Clinton told Colbert. "It's clear, though, that she has supported policies and decisions that I don't agree with. I've been very vocal about my opposition to President Trump."
It's a little unfortunate that so much could change over just a few years. In a February 2015 interview with Vogue, Clinton praised Ivanka for her strength and wonderful personality.
She said,
She’s always aware of everyone around her and ensuring that everyone is enjoying the moment. It’s an awareness that in some ways reminds me of my dad, and his ability to increase the joy of the room. There’s nothing skin-deep about Ivanka. And I think that’s a real tribute to her, because certainly anyone as gorgeous as she is could have probably gone quite far being skin-deep.
Those are definitely some kind words, but Clinton wasn't the only one singing praises. On Jun. 3, 2015 Trump tweeted a quote from Clinton with a simple "well said" as the caption.
Well that was 2015, and things have changed since. In July 2016 Trump spoke to People about her and Clinton's relationship, and claimed that though they may have differences, they still respect each other through it.
"We’re both incredibly supportive of our parents, as we should be," Trump told People. "But we also continue to have great respect for one another."
These two ladies might be supportive of their parents, but one parent in particular doesn't exactly love Clinton and Trump's friendship. Following Clinton's speech at the Democratic National Convention in August 2016, Donald Trump spoke about his daughter and Clinton's friendship, and revealed he isn't the biggest fan.
"I thought Chelsea did a nice job. You know, Chelsea likes Ivanka and Ivanka likes Chelsea. I wish they didn’t like each other, but they do," Trump said at a rally in Denver, Colorado. "It's easier if they don't like each other. You would think that relationship would be strained, but they like each other.”
Well Donald, it looks like I have some good news for you.
The relationship between Clinton and Trump may not be the same, but that doesn't change that these two women understand each other like others simply can't. Emily Heil, co-author of The Washington Post's Reliable Source, a column that covers interpersonal relationships within Washington D.C., spoke to CNN in August 2015 about the two ladies' friendship.
She said,
They have been out together, they have been on a double-date with their husbands. There's so much that they understand about each other. If there's anyone who understands what Chelsea Clinton has been through it is Ivanka Trump.
Perhaps Clinton and Trump's relationship has gone from friends to frenemies, but, hey, it's 2018 and nothing is permanent, so who knows what the future has in store for these two ladies. Hopefully, a hug.
Disclosure: Chelsea Clinton's husband Marc Mezvinsky joined Social Capital, an investor in Bustle Digital Group, in mid 2017 and joined the Board of Bustle Digital Group in early 2018.