Chris Hemsworth Blasted His 'Avengers' Co-Star Chris Evans For The Most Hilarious Reason
Leave it to the handsome Chrises to battle it out for best facial hair. Chris Hemsworth accused Chris Evans of copying his beard which somehow makes them both more attractive to me? I don't know. Biology is weird. Hemsworth and Evans star as Marvel superheroes making their rivalry and friendship all the more fun in real life and their chiseled jaws that much more important. The idea of two grown men competing for best beard while dressed up in superhero costumes is equal parts hilarious and peculiar.
Hemsworth recently sat down to talk with Esquire about the final Avengers movie and, well, yeah... his beard. The publication reports Hemsworth is "proud" his character, Thor, is the first Avenger with a beard and feels Evan's version of Captain America in Infinity War rips off his look. While they're two totally different looks (Thor's beard is shorter, crisp and blonde, and Captain America's is brown, thick, and burley), Hemsworth still feels like he's the OG of Avenger facial hair. He told Esquire, "I’d like to say I was the original, if that means anything. [Chris Evans] certainly, I feel like, copied me. Quite cheaply."
Come on. A grown man with hurt feelings? WHAT'S MORE ENDEARING?
The truth is, all of the famous muscle-y Chrises are deeply entwined. Pratt, Hemsworth, Evans, and Pine all have a special film relationship with each other in one way or the other. Hemsworth detailed his history with each Chris and jokingly explained,
I have different affections for different reasons. Chris Pine is my son, on screen, with our Star Trek history. Chris Evans is probably my closest Avenger friend. And Chris Pratt and I, it’s the freshest, newest friendship. So I’m thankful for all of their high-fives and good times that we’ve had.
I do everything for the high fives, Chris.
Some things about this famous Chris dynamic is almost unfair. You either want to be all of them or date all of them, and watching them defend the universe, win the girl, and yes, high five each other, is totally jealousy-inducing. But don't worry, Hemsworth has some advice for everyone. He said, "People ask me, what’s your advice on getting into acting. I say, ‘Just have your name be Chris, and have brownish hair and blue eyes, and off you go. That’s the first step.’" Obviously, that was a joke. He added, "It’s an automatic pass. It’s all kind of ridiculous, isn’t it?"
And even with the beard battle, Hemsworth says he is so excited for people to see the final Avengers movie. "If you were shocked by [Infinity War], I think the second one is even more shocking, for other reasons entirely," he said. "That’s what kind of blew me away the first time I read both scripts, is how they managed to orchestrate so many different characters but give them each their own separate shot and moments, and have it be elevated and feel fresh and unique—not just like a messy, thrown-together assembly of these guys."
Hemsworth also attributes some of the success of the series to the individual journeys each character goes on. He said,
I’ve loved the fact that there’s been growth and evolution and it continues to surprise people as opposed to sort of flatlining, which was obviously always a fear—that they’d run out of ideas or run dry of creative excitement. For me, this whole experience has been incredible. In particular the last one.
Ok then, sign me up. I'll bring the popcorn, you bring your beard, Chris (and Chris, and Chris, and Chris.)
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