Chrissy Teigen Fired Back At A Hater Who Commented On Her Photo Of Luna & John Legend
We can always count on Chrissy Teigen for a sassy clapback on social media. She's the literal queen of wit, and whether her target is a Twitter troll or her husband, John Legend, her responses basically guarantee a laugh. And you guys, she's back at it again. This time, Chrissy Teigen's Instagram comment on her photo of her daughter, Luna, and John Legend threw some serious shade at someone who thought they could outsmart the master of social media burns.
Chrissy Teigen's most recent Instagram shows an adorable photo of John Legend and Luna — who looks like a baby cherub and makes me want to cry of cuteness overload — napping together. It looks to be simply taken from Teigen's phone, but the photo is so amazing, I personally feel it should win some type of award.
Little Luna is nestled in John Legend's arms, both clearly looking sleepy as ever, which makes sense, since the family of three flew all the way to China. They are napping in a chair that looks cozy AF, and I'm not going to lie, I'm a little bit jealous of how comfortable they look. But, I digress.
Teigen captioned the photo, "My babies are jetlagged 🇨🇳" and hey, that's totally understandable, since that's a super long flight for those living in the USA.
So, you'd think that all of the comments from Insta-users would be centered around how perfectly perfect this photo of John and Luna is, right?
While many people DID comment on how beautiful the photo was, one user in particular decided to crank up the sass level all the way to 10. Instagram user foordbro commented, "I didn't know you could get private jet lagged?"
Did you go there? You did NOT go there. No, you went there.
Let's all remember one thing, though. When someone trolls Chrissy Teigen, she does not simply roll over and play dead. Instead, she comes up with a clapback so brilliant, and so hysterical, there's nothing the troll can say that will out-roast Teigen.
And let me tell you, Chrissy DELIVERED.
She fired back, commenting, "@foordbro a plane is a plane what do you think it's a time machine?"
That'll teach those trolls to think twice before they try to leave a snarky comment on Chrissy's virtual doorstep. Move along, buddy!
This isn't the first time some internet troll has taken a dig at Teigen. In February of 2017, Teigen, who, might I mention is pregnant with her second child, was cooking and Snapchatting a gorgeous-looking dinner. Pregnant and STILL making a mean rack of lamb? She truly is #lifegoals.
But sadly, her dinner must have accidentally fallen on the floor:
But in true Chrissy Teigen form, she took to Twitter to let everyone know that her delicious meal was NOT going to go to waste, and she ate her floor-lamb without any hesitation:
Most people (aka me) find this astonishingly wonderful. One Twitter user, however, thought this was the perfect opportunity to try and throw shade at Teigen. "All you do is eat, sleep, sh*t, and spend other people's money," he wrote. "My perfect partner."
Deciding that this was the perfect time to school someone, Teigen retweeted the Twitter troll with a screenshot showing that she was named by Forbes as the third-highest paid model in the world, not to mention her success as a cookbook author and host of Lip Sync Battle:
See those millions? Yep, those are her millions.
Consider this a warning: If you ever decide to take a jab at Chrissy Teigen or her family, she will seek you out. She will find you. And she will roast the ever-living sh*t out of you.
Why? Because she can, and because the world loves her for it.
You heard it here first, folks.