Chrissy Teigen Told This White Lie To John Legend About Hooking Up On The First Date
Who doesn't love a good story from when Chrissy Teigen and John Legend first met? This is the content I live for. The internet's favorite couple has been together for so long now, it's weird to imagine a time when their relationship wasn't exactly what it looks like now. But in an interview with Twitter (during which Teigen is dubbed the "Unofficial Mayor" of the site), Teigen revealed an early, early dating story about she and Legend, and Chrissy Teigen's lie to John Legend about hooking up is literally every single woman on a date ever.
This story was part of a video Teigen did with Twitter called "Behind the Tweets." In it, she's asked to give the context behind some of her infamous tweets. One of them was the tweet she posted after Cardi B's Invasion of Privacy came out.
"Gasp!! *drops biscuits*," she tweeted on April 6, 2018. It was in response to her learning that she was name-dropped in one of Cardi's songs.
"Oh my gosh. This is when I found out that Cardi B included me in a song she had," she said in the video. "By the way Cardi, you don't even follow me. Also, RiRi would be included in my ideal threesome. But yeah, I was just doing this Twitter timeline of making biscuits, and I dropped my biscuits. But Cardi... follow a b*tch." Cardi, you heard her.
Then Teigen walks viewers through some old tweets about her and John, what it's like raising Luna, and the Kim and Kanye Twitter drama from a while back. Finally, the moment comes when viewers hear more of the story of the night Chrissy Teigen and John Legend met (!!!).
"Every time someone asks John for a selfie and says 'I never do this' I think back to the night we met when I said it but not about selfies," Teigen's December 2015 tweet said.
"It's true! And you're a liar if you haven't said it yourself, ladies," Teigen said in the video, spitting the truth. "It's just a thing you say," she quipped. "It makes them feel special." I love this woman.
Ladies, we've all been there. You meet a guy, you decide you want to hook up with him that night, then while you're hooking up you pretend you ~don't normally do this~. When in reality, you do this (meaning have sex with him on the first date) whenever you damn well please.
Apparently, that's what went down the first time Teigen and Legend met. They met on the set of Legend's "Stereo" music video in 2007, in which Teigen played his love interest.
Teigen talked about the day they met in an interview with Cosmo in 2014.
"I walked into John's dressing room to meet him, and he was ironing in his underwear," Teigen said in the interview. "I said, 'You do your own ironing!?' He said, 'Of course I do.' I gave him a hug." And that's how they met. That night, she met him in his hotel room to eat some In-N-Out and things got ~juicy~.
"I'm not going to lie. We hooked up," Teigen said. And now we all know what she said at one point during that hookup. The more you know!