Codie Higer

This Guy's Hinge Match Gave Him A Fake Number, But It Led To The Cutest FT Date

by Rachel Shatto
Courtesy Codie Higer

It’s not every day a potential new romantic interest texts you by mistake, but it happened for Codie Higer, an actor and singer from New York City. Higer was on a Houseparty call with friends on April 14 when she got a text from a number she didn’t recognize. It was a photo of a cake from a stranger named Mike. The problem? This (literally) sweet message was intended for someone else. Codie Higer posted a Twitter thread about what followed this unintentional digital meet-cute, and it’s a real-life quarantine rom-com.

Higer tells Elite Daily she and her friends were about to end their Houseparty call when she got the text from Mike. "Hey it's Mike! It was cool meeting you!" the text read. "This is how that lemon bundt cake turned out by the way," with a photo of said lemon bundt cake attached. "Hey - not sure who you're trying to text but it appears you have the wrong number!" she texted back. "Nice cake though!"

Mike apologized and explained it was meant for someone named Leah — a girl he'd gone on a virtual Hinge date who seemingly gave him a fake number afterwards. They ended up commiserating about how tough dating can be, and before they knew it, they were introducing themselves.

Higer says she was wary at first, but the chat naturally progressed into a friendly conversation. Mike is a 30-year-old English teacher living in Cleveland, and Higer, 26, lives in NYC — although she's currently staying with her mother in Cleveland due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. They exchanged photos and decided to set a FaceTime date for the very next day.

According to Higer, it was fun. "We acknowledged how bizarre the situation was and talked about movies, books, and each other’s careers,” she says. “He was very curious about my life in NYC and what it’s like to be an auditioning actor and I asked him about the difficulties of being a teacher right now. We have a surprising amount in common! As far as I can tell, there was chemistry — we made each other laugh a lot, which is always a great sign.”

They've also been texting every day (!!) since their first exchange, and have another date scheduled for April 18. Higer, who isn't currently on dating apps, says she wasn't thinking about dating in quarantine before she got Mike's text, but, "I'm always open to possibilities so... we’ll see! I will say, it didn’t actually feel as weird as I had expected to FaceTime a total stranger. I’m used to the weirdness of first dates and this didn’t feel that different! I’m a very outgoing person and I am always curious to meet new people, so this wasn’t that foreign for me."

This could just end up being the 2020 love story we need. Fingers crossed!