
Here's Everything Fans Should Know About That Emotional 'This Is Us' Cliffhanger

by Kristen Perrone

On This Is Us, nearly every couple has managed to pull through hardships and stay together, and Randall and Beth were no exception. After experiencing several bumps in the road throughout Season 3, the pair seemingly reached an agreement that they were going to stick together while simultaneously handling different work schedules and the raising of their daughters. However, March 19's "Don't Take My Sunshine Away" had Randall hitting a breaking point, sending him and Beth down a dark path they might not be able to conquer. Did Randall's voicemail ruin his marriage? If anything, his harsh miscommunication might lead to clarification about his and Beth's status in This Is Us's future timeline.

During March 19's episode, Beth (Susan Kelechi Watson) and Randall (Sterling K. Brown) entered the full swing of their schedules as working parents. Now with both of them in jobs paying less than their previous positions, Randall's city council gig and Beth's spot as a dance instructor had the two spread thin financially and logistically. Randall's long commutes to and from Philadelphia ticked upwards because of traffic, while Beth barely saw him before and after her dance classes at nights.

Despite their busy days, Randall just managed to pull off an on-time arrival at Beth's first dance showcase, giving the two a boost of confidence that would turn out to be short-lived.

Ron Batzdorff/NBC

When Randall told Beth about a last-minute dinner they had to attend at the city council president's house, Beth agreed to go, knowing that Randall wouldn't have asked her if it wasn't important. But conflict struck hours before the dinner when Beth received the opportunity to discuss the future of the dance studio with her colleagues that night.

The two clashed about what event was more important, leading to Randall waiting outside his boss's house and wondering whether Beth would even show. She hadn't responded to his calls or texts, prompting a frustrated Randall to lash out at her in a voicemail.

"What, you turn your phone off so you wouldn't have to deal with me? While you're busy standing me up?" he said on the phone. "You know, if you had told me something was this important to you, heaven and earth couldn't have stopped me from being there, but maybe that's the difference between us... I hope it was worth it, OK? I hope you're off having fun talking about how to teach bored housewives how to twirl better. Grow the hell up, Beth."

Ron Batzdorff/NBC

His message was brutal, but Randall got what he deserved when Beth arrived halfway through the dinner. It turns out she was caught in major traffic and her phone had died, meaning she never received any of Randall's messages. Realizing his mistake, Randall failed to intervene before Beth reached a phone charger, so by the time they left the dinner, she had heard everything.

Feeling that he had belittled her in the message, Beth suggested that Randall sleep on the cot in his Philly office. Instead, he followed her home, walking into their bedroom just as Beth was taking off her wedding and engagement rings. After Randall refused to let their tension simmer, Beth replied, "You want to do this right now? Let's do this. Close the door."

After weeks of drawing out their issues, it looks like Randall and Beth are finally attacking the conflict at full throttle. Given their future selves' ambiguous marital status, whatever viewers see next could mean clearer answers about the show's future timeline. In the meantime, maybe This Is Us fans will now experience as much rage about voicemails as they once felt about slow cookers.

Season 3 of This Is Us continues on Tuesday, March 26, at 9 p.m. ET on NBC.