Disney Parks' 'Ratatouille' musical TikTok has fans wondering if that means a future musical is comi...

OMG, An Actual Disney Account Joined TikTok’s ‘Ratatouille’ Musical Trend

by Cianna Garrison
Disney Pixar

ICYMI, some TikTok users have been imagining up a musical version of the 2007 Disney Pixar animated movie Ratatouille. Months after the trend first began, Disney finally jumped in on the fun, and the Disney Parks’ Ratatouille musical TikTok has fans wondering if that means the musical project could be a reality. Although there’s no way to know if Disney has any serious plans, an official Disney account getting in on the trend is pretty exciting for creators.

The trend first appeared on TikTok back in August when TikTok user Em Jaccs uploaded an "Ode to Remy," the culinary expert rat from the Disney Pixar movie. The song's lyrics were quick and to the point — "Remy, the Ratatouille, the rat of all my dreams. I praise you, oh Ratatouille, may the world remember your name." The TikTok has received over 100,000 likes at the time of publication and a slew of attention. On Oct. 19, composer Daniel Mertzlufft put a whole new spin on the song on TikTok, making it sound like a real musical number. Now the trend has everything from original choreography to a Playbill, and it only keeps getting more impressive as the official Disney Parks joined in on the musical fad.

On Friday, Nov. 20, the official Disney Parks' TikTok account posted a video with the caption, "An unofficial audition for #ratatouillemusical with @milomanheim and @pearcejoza." The video shows a lengthy rap song dedicated to Remy, and Twitter user Andrew Roth pointed out that the video was shot from "inside the unopened Ratatouille ride at Disney World."

The rap begins, "Remy, the rat, was always sorta different / While the pack was eatin' trash, Remy was whippin' dishes." As the rap goes on, clear and creative lyrics draw on several of the film's moments.

Following the post, fans started commenting on the TikTok video, excited that the trend caught an official account's attention, even remarking that the rapper could give Lin-Manuel Miranda some competition. The Hamilton-style rap has fans wondering if this is Disney's way of saying a Ratatouille musical is a great idea.

Whatever the case, fans are all for it:

Before Disney Parks joined in on the trend, the voice of Remy, Patton Oswalt, caught wind of the fan-created musical number. In a Nov. 14 tweet, he tagged the Ratatouille director Brad Bird, asking if he'd seen it yet:

Although Broadway shuttered in March due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and will remain closed until at least May 2021, TikTok fans have been indulging in their plans for a Ratatouille musical, even if it doesn't become an official project.

Whatever happens with the idea, it's clear Remy will always be "the rat of fans' dreams."