Here’s How To Check If DoorDash Delivers In Your Area, Because This Is Important, People
If you happen to be ballin' on a budget like I am, you're probably well aware of the fact that cooking your own dinner on a regular basis is — by far — the best (and cheapest) way to survive. But after enduring a harrowing day of work, the prospect of going grocery shopping and cooking a full meal sometimes feels impossible. Ordering food to your doorstep from time to time is practically inevitable, and since DoorDash is great option for takeout, you might be wondering, "Does DoorDash deliver near me?" Don't worry — I've got you covered.
Third-party food delivery services like Postmates, GrubHub, Seamless, and DoorDash totally come in clutch when deciding on what to order when cooking just isn't in the cards. And luckily, DoorDash, an on-demand platform for door-to-door delivery, delivers to a very large portion of North America. In fact, per the brand, it serves "3,300 cities and all 50 states across the United States and Canada." Make sure to check out DoorDash's website to see where they deliver, because the range is honestly kind of incredible. From Anchorage, Alaska; to Savannah, Georgia; and Toronto, Canada; there are so many cities where DoorDash delivers. Let's be real — it's pretty incredible, if you ask me.
If you don't want to read through every city DoorDash delivers to, you can easily check if it's available in your area by typing in your address on the delivery page where it says "Food Delivery Near Me."
In addition to ordering food from all your favorite restaurants, sometimes DoorDash also lets you order bottles of wine to your house or apartment. Sadly, though, this feature isn't available in every city where DoorDash delivers. Back in August 2017, the company rolled out this (almost) too-good-to-be-true feature in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, New York City, and Vancouver, British Columbia. So if you happen to be living in one of these lucky AF cities, start deciding on your bottles of choice — the possibilities are quite honestly endless.
Once you download the DoorDash app through the App Store or Google Play Store, keep an eye out for any and all deals and special offers — the company frequently celebrates holidays and special occasions by offering a variety of freebies. For example, this past November for Black Friday 2018, it offered free fries to the first 15,000 customers. Then, for Valentine's Day 2019, DoorDash offered free goodie bags with all Chuck E. Cheese orders, and for the Super Bowl this past February, the app was doling out free mystery boxes with all valid Burger King orders. It's pretty sweet, honestly — just keep your eyes peeled and your ears open.
Ordering food for delivery on a regular basis isn't necessarily conducive for saving money, but every once in a while, it can be absolutely vital. DoorDash makes it super easy to order from all of your favorite spots, so for a foodie like me, it's a definite must. Just make sure DoorDash delivers in your city before you get too excited, but it probably does. (I mean, come on — it delivers to thousands of cities!) So, get ready for some delicious restaurant quality meals. IDK about you, but my stomach is 100 percent ready to rumble.