4 Clues That Hint At Hannah G. Winning 'The Bachelor'
This past week on The Bachelor, Colton got more serious about his search for love, especially after Elyse chose to remove herself from the show. Elyse leaving reminded Colton of other times he's been hurt in previous relationships, and so he talked about how he wants to make sure he has a real connection with the woman he ends up choosing. Bachelor Nation is trying to figure out exactly who that woman might be, and many clues are pointing to Hannah G. But does Hannah G. win The Bachelor? Fans won't know for sure until the finale in March, but the odds are looking good that she'll walk away from Season 23 of The Bachelor with the Final Rose.
Hannah G. is a content creator from Alabama who caught Colton's eye night one, but hasn't gotten a ton of camera time since then. However, the promo for next week's episode shows Colton and Hannah G. getting hot and heavy together, so it looks like we'll be seeing more of her. Hannah G.'s official bio on ABC says that "quality time is her love language," so that's definitely a good sign. Here's a break down of four big hints that point to Hannah G. winning Colton's heart and Season 23 of The Bachelor.
1. She received the first impression rose
Almost all of the last Bachelorettes have gotten engaged to the guy they gave their First Impression Rose to, and while the same can't be said for previous Bachelors, Colton giving his first rose to Hannah G. is still good news for her. It means that Hannah G. caught Colton's eye right off the bat. If you believe in "love at first sight," then the First Impression Rose is your first major hint that Hannah G. is a keeper.
2. Colton said he feels at home with her
Hannah G. showed Colton her vulnerable side right away when she told him that she was nervous to be at the Bachelor mansion the first night, and they did some breathing exercises together. That sort of openness put Colton at ease and he told her she "reminded [him] a lot of home." When he gave her a rose, Colton said:
You sort of owned the nervousness, you owned your imperfections and it was so nice and so refreshing to see and to hear. It's just so easy and so much fun and it's so enjoyable to be around you. Your energy instantly lifts me up.
3. Colton didn't feel pressure to rush things with her
Hannah G. still hasn't had a one-on-one with Colton, and during Week 3 she wasn't invited on any dates at all. But, it's all because Colton feels so secure about their relationship. During the pool party Week 3, Colton told Hannah G. that he didn't feel like he needed to go on a date with her that week because he felt so confident about their connection already. That sort of security can definitely make a relationship go far.
4. She and Colton have amazing body language
Right away, during the first night at the mansion, Colton and Hannah G. appeared very physically intimate, with all their body language pointing to them sharing a real connection. They also apparently have stolen a few special moments for just the two of them together, like when they were caught making out during Week Two's group date. That kind of "can't keep your hands off each other" energy is definitely some Final Rose material.
Season 23 of The Bachelor continues at 8 p.m. ET, Monday, Feb. 11 on ABC.