
Kim K Showed How She Feels About Kanye's Presidential Run With 1 Emoji

by Jessica Vacco-Bolaños
Toni Anne Barson/WireImage/Getty Images

Kim Kardashian appears to be standing by her man. Over the years, Kardashian has remained loyal to Kanye West through thick and thin, and it appears she's doing just that after the rapper announced his 2020 presidential candidacy. Kim Kardashian's tweet about Kanye West running for president makes her opinion on his decision pretty clear.

For years, West has spoken out about his hope to someday run for president, even telling attendees at the 2019 Fast Company's Innovation Festival: "When I run for president in 2024 we would have created so many jobs I'm not going to run, I'm going to walk." Before that, West gave an explosive speech at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards in which he noted that he planned to run for the Oval Office at some point.

Fast forward to Saturday, July 4, and West announced on Twitter that he plans to run against Donald Trump and Joe Biden in 2020.

"We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future," West tweeted. "I am running for president of the United States."

West also added the hashtag, "#2020VISION," and his message got a lot of attention on Twitter. Of course, Kardashian was one of the thousands of people who tweeted her thoughts on West's announcement.

While Kardashian simply quoted West's tweet and added an American flag emoji, the gesture reads like a simple message of support.

West's 2020 presidential candidacy isn't yet officially official, as he's yet to file paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to get his name on the ballots as an independent presidential candidate. The deadline to file has already passed in states including Texas, North Carolina, New York, Maine, New Mexico, and Indiana, and the last deadlines come in early September.

Even if West does file in time, he must get thousands of people in each state to sign petitions on his behalf if he hopes to get a place on the ballot.

If West does go through with his presidential run, it appears Kardashian will be his No. 1 supporter.