If You're Feeling Moody Lately, It Could Be Thanks To The Pink Moon
I'm not proud to admit that I've blamed my erratic mood swings on the full moon more than once. I mean, when there's nothing here on Earth that seems to be making me feel so moody, I can't help but look up at the sky and wonder if something in outer space is trying to mess with me. And this Sunday, April 29, the Pink Moon may affect your mood way more than you'd like, especially since we're all already dealing with not one, but two freaking retrogrades at the moment. To say the least, there's a lot going on in the universe right now, but rest assured, I'm going to do my best to break it all down for you.
First of all, let's get this one little nugget of information out of the way: No, the Pink Moon is not actually pink. Sorry, but I had to get that out in the open. And hey, I'll bet you anything the sight of this baby is still going to take your breath away on April 29.
Now, if you're wondering why it's called the Pink Moon if it's not actually pink, here's what you need to know: The Pink Moon is simply another name for April's full moon, and according to Timeanddate.com, it was given this name to represent the bloom of one of the first flowers to pop up during spring: the wild ground phlox, which just so happens to be a pretty shade of pink.
But let's get into the details of what you really came here for: how this Pink Moon is going to affect your mood.
I hate to burst your bubble yet again, girl, but science says you're probably going to have to find another excuse for why your mood is all over the place. A 2016 study published in the journal Frontiers in Pediatrics looked at how the moon may affect your moods or your actions, and found that there's simply no reliable link between moon cycles and people's behaviors. Now, that's not to say that the gravitational pull of the moon isn't strong, or that the way you're feeling isn't valid, but the researchers in this study concluded that if you're experiencing any mood swings or stress during a full moon, it's probably a coincidence more than anything else.
Dr. Jean-Philippe Chaput, a lead author on the study who works with the Eastern Ontario Research Institute, explained the findings,
Overall, I think we should not be worried about the full moon. Our behaviors are largely influenced by many other factors like genes, education, income and psychosocial aspects rather than by gravitational forces.
In other words, take the Pink Moon for what it is, appreciate its beauty, and know that, as far as researchers are concerned, you should be be able to steer clear of any moon-related mental breakdowns.
On the other hand, astrologers swear by the reality of moon-induced mood swings.
For example, according the spiritual wellness site Spirit Science, some people have said they're prone to feeling extra emotional, erratic, and anxious when a full moon rises in the sky. On top of that, full moons can mess with your sleep schedule, causing you to feel restless and bleary-eyed, no matter how early you head to bed. And I'm sure you feel me when I say that lack of sleep is reason enough to be cranky and moody as all heck.
So, if you feel like the spring Pink Moon is throwing you off, you don't have to ignore the way you're feeling or shrug it off as nothing. You know yourself and your body better than anyone, and hey, gravity is definitely a powerful thing, girl.
That being said, it certainly doesn't hurt to take some precautionary measures leading up to April 29 to calm and center yourself, so that you can stay grounded during this full moon. A stress-relieving yoga flow, a warm epsom salt bath, or a few minutes of meditation and journaling might be exactly what you need to rejuvenate your soul while the Pink Moon rises high in the sky.