Donald Trump Tweeted About The Fourth Of July & Twitter Is Concerned
Happy Fourth of July everyone! I hope you guys are enjoying the day and all the festivities it's brought. The president, on the other hand, chose to ring in the holiday by sending out a festive tweet, but Donald Trump's Fourth of July message actually has many people concerned. I know you probably think this isn't anything out of the ordinary, given how often he's criticized, but there are some comments that truly do make you wanna raise an eyebrow (or both). Check them out so we can talk about it.
Trump commemorated the American Revolutionary War in a video message shared to his Twitter page on behalf of himself and his wife, Melania. He also paid homage to the "56 brave representatives of the American people [who] adopted our Declaration of Independence" in the post. He said:
General George Washington and his army of brave patriots fought a long tough war with the British to win America’s freedom, win they did …together as we celebrate the Fourth of July with friends and family let us never forget that our freedom has been earned through the blood, and sweat, and sacrifice of American heroes.
Additionally, Trump paid tribute to veterans and members of the United States Armed Forces, saying Americans are "eternally in their debt," before concluding, “We are — and will always be — one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. Happy Fourth of July, and God bless America."
Needless to say, no one was really feeling his message.
Many users slammed Trump for not living up to the standards set by his forefathers.
Some people said it was ironic that the Declaration of Independence was written by immigrants, considering Trump has heavily cracked down on them throughout his presidency, especially in 2018 under his administration's highly controversial "zero tolerance" policy.
One Twitter user challenged Trump to recite "God Bless America" or "The Star Spangled Banner" to truly show his patriotism, which would likely be a struggle for him, TBH, as Trump seemingly forgot the words to the songs during his "Celebration of America" event on June 5.
Other people claimed that he was a disgrace to America, citing his alleged collusion with Russia to win the presidential election.
Understandably, many people are actually still concerned and frustrated over the accusations that Russia conspired to help Trump win the election. In fact, Trump is expected to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin for a summit on July 16 in Helsinki, Finland without any staff or advisers in attendance for part of the encounter, which doesn't necessarily help ease anyone's worries.
Trump did, however, attempt to calm some of the concerns surrounding the meeting while speaking with reporters board Air Force One on June 29. He said, according to CNN:
I'll talk to him about everything. We're going to talk about Ukraine, we're going to be talking about Syria, we'll be talking about elections. And we don't want anybody tampering with elections. We'll be talking about world events. We'll be talking about peace. Maybe we talk about saving billions of dollars on weapons, and maybe we don't.
IDK how that makes you feel, but that isn't exactly helping my mind from wondering about Russia's potential election interference.
All that said, it might've just been in Trump's best interest to keep his Fourth of July message sweet and straight to the point. Someone tell him that, unless he wants to encounter this same fate once again, a simple, "Happy 4th!" will suffice just fine going forward. Please, and thank you.