Donald Trump Called The Kavanaugh Allegations "Totally Political," So There's That
The recent allegations against Supreme Court hopeful Brett Kavanaugh, which he has denied, have made headlines to say the least, and the future of America's justice system could be on the line. While everyone has their thoughts on how these allegations should be handled, Donald Trump's response to Brett Kavanaugh's accusers shows he's definitely got his own take on things. Looks like the president has his mind made up.
On Monday, Sept. 24, Trump spoke to reporters about the allegations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh, particularly now that a second accuser, Deborah Ramirez, has come forward with allegations of her own. Kavanaugh has denied all the allegations, saying in his most recent statement that "This alleged event from 35 years ago did not happen." Representatives for Kavanaugh did not respond to Elite Daily's request for further comment. While speaking, Trump continued to defend Kavanaugh against the accusations, and praised his character. He said,
Judge Kavanaugh is an outstanding person and I am with him all the way. I think it could be — chance that this could be one of the single most unfair, unjust things to happen to a candidate for anything.
He continued to question the credibility of Ford and Ramirez's accusations, and referred to them as "political," saying,
For people to come out of the woodwork from 36 years ago and 30 years ago and never mention it — all of the sudden it happens. In my opinion, it’s totally political. These are highly unsubstantiated statements from people represented by lawyers — you should look into the lawyers doing the representation.
Since allegations against Kavanaugh surfaced, Trump has remained extremely loyal to his Supreme Court nominee. However, it's his words against Ford and Ramirez that raise a few eyebrows, particularly his statement that the women's accusations are being made for "political" reasons.
Since these two women came forward with their stories, the biggest obstacle facing these women's credibility is that their stories allegedly occurred decades ago. On Sept. 16, Ford openly accused Kavanaugh of alleged sexual assault while they were both in high school. Then, a week later on Sept. 23, Ramirez told The New Yorker that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her during a party at Yale University. Kavanaugh has denied both the allegations, and the White House did not return Elite Daily's request for further comment.
Sadly, this isn't the first time Trump has questioned the seriousness of Ford's allegations, because on Sept. 21, Trump took to Twitter to ask why Ford didn't go to authorities immediately after the experience with Kavanaugh. The White House did not return Elite Daily's request for clarification on Trump's comment.
Regardless of Trump's skepticism, it's not uncommon for sexual assault survivors to keep their stories to themselves. In response to Trump's claim that Ford should have reported the incident to authorities years ago, a number of sexual assault survivors took to Twitter to share their own stories under the hashtag #WhyDidntIReport.
Kavanaugh has consistently denied Ford's allegations since she came forward, but on Sept. 23, Kavanaugh released a statement through the White House denying Ramirez's story as well. The full statement, as shared by USA Today, read,
This alleged event from 35 years ago did not happen. The people who knew me then know that this did not happen, and have said so. This is a smear, plain and simple. I look forward to testifying on Thursday about the truth, and defending my good name – and the reputation for character and integrity I have spent a lifetime building – against these last-minute allegations.
Ford's allegations have already led to Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee to be delayed to Thursday, Sept. 27. However, time will only tell if Ramirez's recent accusations will result in an even further delay. We'll just have to wait and see.