Donald Trump Is Reportedly Not Happy About Christine Blasey Ford's Testimony
On Thursday, Sept. 27, the president was reportedly watching from afar to see how the hearings would go for his own Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were both high school students, testified Thursday morning before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Kavanaugh has denied her allegations, and representatives for the judge did not reply to Elite Daily's request for comment. Kavanaugh was slated to follow Ford Thursday afternoon, but already, Donald Trump's response to Christine Blasey Ford's testimony hasn't been a favorable one, according to reports.
In an impromptu press conference in New York on Wednesday, Trump said he was eager to hear Ford's testimony, adding that he might "change his mind" after hearing it. And as her portion of the hearing wrapped up Thursday afternoon, there were increasing calls for Kavanaugh's nomination to be withdrawn. But whether that will actually happen is, as of right now, all speculation.
But while the country waits to see what the president's stance will be after the hearings finish, and what will happen to the nominee, the White House is apparently not happy with how they've gone so far. Politico reports that several White House officials were seeing Ford as a credible witness whose testimony would be hard to challenge.
Vanity Fair reporter Gabriel Sherman tweeted that per sources close to him, "Trump is raging at how bad" Ford's testimony has been so far, and that he's "telling people he's furious" that White House aides didn't know ahead of time that she would be seen as so credible. Elite Daily reached out to the White House for comment on President Trump's reaction to the testimony, but did not immediately hear back.
Trump was apparently also unhappy about the selection of a prosecutor — Rachel Mitchell, Maricopa County special victims prosecutor — to question Ford on behalf of the Senate Republicans on the committee.
"Almost every person close to Trump who had told me having a sex crimes prosecutor question[ing] Ford was good strategy is saying they think it was a mistake after the first portion of the hearing," reported theTimes' Maggie Haberman Thursday via Twitter.
"Trump described to me as not angry so much as shocked by the spectacle of the hearing," tweeted Politico's Annie Karni. "WH officials acknowledge Kavanaugh strategy of trying to present himself as a choir boy was a mistake out of the gate."
And in his own testimony Thursday, though, Kavanaugh seemed to backtrack on his good-boy image, acknowledging his high school drinking habits. His overall testimony, delivered at what was practically a yell, was in stark contrast to the restrained testimony Ford gave.
In fact, lots of people speculated that if were Trump in fact watching the hearings, he would likely be watching it on Fox News, his known-to-be-favorite news channel. And even on Fox, some of the conservative hosts and commentators were saying how compelling Ford's testimony was.
Per The Wall Street Journal, Trump did in fact watch the hearing on board Air Force One.
Although he was reportedly watching, Trump has thus far refrained from tweeting about the the testimonies. As of 3 p.m. ET Thursday, as Kavanaugh's portion of the hearing began, Trump had been uncharacteristically silent on his favorite social media platform. The president apparently ignored reporters' questions at the White House as he de-boarded the plane Thursday afternoon.
As several people on Twitter pointed out, there was still a chance that the president, after Thursday's events, would walk back his nomination. The White House did not answer Elite Daily's question regarding whether it will withdraw the nomination.
But if Wednesday's press conference — and many others like it — are any guide, Trump may very well weigh in publicly before long, though what form that takes, is anyone's guess.