Elizabeth Warren Announced She’s Running In 2020 With A Fiery Video
Well everyone, we're officially at the end of 2018. It's been a wild ride to say the least, but it's time that we move on to a bigger and brighter future. Clearly I'm not the only one who feels this way, because Elizabeth Warren's 2020 presidential campaign video promises a lot of changes on the horizon — namely, that she's running for president in 2020. It's happening, people.
On Monday, Dec. 31, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren announced that she is making the first step to run for president in the 2020 elections, by forming an exploratory committee. Of course, rumors had been circling for months that the senator has been considering a presidential run, but we didn't know for sure until she shared this inspiring video online. She plans to make a formal announcement about her campaign in early 2019, according to the Associated Press.
In the video, Warren shares her story of growing up in Oklahoma in a middle-class family, with her mother working at Sears and her father working as a janitor. However, she brings up the fact that it's much more difficult living as a middle-class family today than previous years, and how families of color often face even more difficult times due to "generations of discrimination," per the video. Warren openly attacks the upper-class by adding in clips of prominent Republican figures, and relays her persistent fight against Wall Street is what brought her to politics and Washington, D.C. Near the end of the video, Warren urges all of us to address the serious economic injustices this society still faces, but states that the future doesn't need to be so bleak. Finally, after all of this anticipation, Warren announces she she's launching an "exploratory committee for president," which may not be a formal announcement, but it's still very exciting.
Just watch this video, and try not to get chills.
After watching that video, I wouldn't be surprised if you're feeling exhilarated and ready to take action. So, in case you're not sure exactly what an "exploratory committee" for president entails, here's a rundown. By launching this committee, Warren will be able to start raising money for the upcoming campaign, which will probably consist of more grassroots organizations rather than billionaire super PACs, according to CNN. So basically, this exploratory committee is Warren's version of a head start so that she can take on the 2020 election strong and prepared.
Prior to her political career, Warren worked as a law professor at a number of universities and was eventually elected to the National Bankruptcy Review Commission. Then, Warren started making waves in 2007 following the infamous financial crisis, where she started devoting her time taking on Wall Street and fighting for economic security. In 2012, Warren was elected to the U.S. Senate as a Massachusetts Democrat, and has since become known as a political figure unafraid of calling out corruption and inequality. Seeing as her resume is quite impressive, it's not surprising that Warren is gearing up to take on Trump in the 2020 presidential election, but needless to say it'll still be a tough battle.
Warren's video marks her as one of the first Democrats to announce their plans to run for president in the 2020 election, following former Obama-era Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro, who announced his exploratory committee on Dec. 12. However, there are reportedly a few other names planning to possibly announce their run in the very near future, which includes California Sen. Kamala Harris, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, and possibly a few others.
I don't know about y'all, but the future could be looking pretty female. I, for one, am not opposed.