Elizabeth Warren Gave Someone Dating Advice & It's Honestly So Pure
Elizabeth Warren seems to have a plan for everything. She wants to revamp the healthcare system, change existing tax laws, and aggressively tackle the climate crisis. But she also has excellent insight into another important area of everyday life: relationships. Elizabeth Warren’s dating advice during a recent interview with Elle.com is the greatest thing you’ll see all day. The U.S. senator and presidential candidate had some encouraging guidance for anyone who's been ghosted: Remember that you deserve better.
In a video interview with Elle.com posted on Jan. 8, Warren answered reader questions about life’s most common problems, ranging from getting a dog to dealing with credit card debt. One reader asked about a guy they’d been recently seeing. “I’ve been casually dating a guy for the past three months, but now he’s ghosting me,” the reader wrote in. “He won’t return my texts, but he still looks at my Instagram Stories. What do I do?” Warren didn’t mince words with her pointed response. “Give him up,” she said. “You’re too good for him. If he wants to go silent, let him go. He is not the one for you. Guys who do that, nuh-uh.” She shook her head. “You’re better than that.”
Warren also tweeted about the video, writing, “You deserve better. Dump the guy who ghosted you, convince the roommate to let you adopt a dog, and I'll take care of canceling your student loan debt!” This is solid advice, except for one small point of confusion some Twitter users noticed. Is it possible to dump someone who already ghosted you?
This isn’t the first time Warren has helped someone out with their dating concerns. On May 18, comedian Ashley Nicole Black tweeted, “Do you think Elizabeth Warren has a plan to fix my love life?” to which Warren responded, “DM me and let’s figure this out.” And apparently, she really followed through. Three days later, on May 21, Black tweeted that she’d just talked to Warren. “Guess who's crying and shaking and just talked to Elizabeth Warren on the phone?!?!?” she wrote. “We have a plan to get my mom grandkids, it's very comprehensive, and it does involve raising taxes on billionaires.”
Warren is clearly leaning into this advice guru role quite nicely. Now, how do I get in touch about navigating friendships with my exes?