The Final Week Of February Won't Be Easy For These 3 Zodiac Signs
There's some majorly transformative energy headed your way this week. Even though it has the power to bring you good fortune and strength in the long run, it may not feel comfortable at first. In fact, it might feel like spiritual growing pains. Nothing that's worth achieving comes easy, so even if it feels like the world is against you right now, trust that there's so much light on the other side of this, especially for the zodiac signs who will have the worst week of February 22, 2021.
First of all, there's a lot going on this week (and on the bright side, most of it is positive). On Feb. 24, courageous Mars will form a trine with regenerative Pluto. This emboldening aspect has the power to help you conquer the impossible, giving you all the fuel you need to start your fire. However, it will also tap into your competitive side, which could push you to take drastic measures. On Feb. 26, expansive Jupiter will form a trine with the North Node (aka your cosmic destiny), which could lead to beautiful and serendipitous events that take you right where you're supposed to be. This confidence-inducing aspect will help you enrich your belief in yourself and help you gravitate toward experiences, people, and opportunities that bring you closer to your higher self.
However, this week also ends with a full moon in Virgo on Feb. 27. This full moon will oppose disorienting Neptune, which could leave you feeling confused about your feelings. Emotions might run high (and in strange directions), so make sure to grab onto something when it feels like you're floating away.
If your sun or rising sign happens to fall under the element of fire, here's why this week might come with difficulties:
Aries: You Might Feel More Connected To Dreams Than Reality
You're embarking on a strange journey, Aries. Ever since the sun entered your 12th house of spirituality, you've been doing a deep dive into your subconscious. If you've been feeling less interested in socializing, keeping up with routine, and staying focused on the "real" world, it's no wonder. Your imagination is just as active as your intuition. You might even find yourself reliving old memories instead of staying present. While this nostalgic, introspective energy is beautiful for therapy and healing, you can also get lost in it if you stay there for too long.
Leo: You May Be Feeling The Weight Of What Has Come And Gone
Before you can grow — and I mean truly grow — you must accept that not everything can grow with you. Some things need to come to an end and some things need to be sacrificed in order for you to embrace the gifts that come next. This week, you might be thinking more and more about what you may be ready to say goodbye to and about what you may have said goodbye to already. Everything is temporary, and while that's bittersweet, it's proof that pain is also temporary. If your heart is hanging heavy, trust that it won't hang heavy forever, Leo.
Sagittarius: You Might Feel Sensitive To External Vibrations
You may be deep in your feelings this week, Sagittarius. In fact, you may be so deep in your feelings that you need to protect yourself from being unnecessarily hurt, misunderstood, or neglected. This week, creating a safe space for yourself and excusing yourself from the room when it gets to be too much will be your saving grace. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, homemaking activities such as redesigning your living space or cooking a meal from scratch in your kitchen will realign your soul.