These Three Signs Will Have The Best February, Here's How To Take Advantage
The super blue blood moon on Jan. 31 strapped everyone in for one hell of a ride and like me, you're probably wondering what all that chaos is going to amount to. The universe can't just pick us up, play with us, and throw us away whenever it wants to like some little girl does with her dolls! (Ahem, sorry, that's a blatant lie, we're definitely at the mercy of the universe). Well, while the majority of us are still dizzy from all the drama, others might be filled with clarity now that February is here. A lunar eclipse never fails to provoke abrupt endings and some of us might have been longing for some closure in our lives. This is just one of the reasons why February will be the best month for these three zodiac signs: Libra, Capricorn, and Pisces.
While we might walk away exhausted from the super blue blood moon, we've also got a solar eclipse in Aquarius fast approaching on Feb. 15 that's sure to zap some volatile energy right back into us. For astrologers, this points to a series of new beginnings, as solar eclipses always do. Beginnings can mean the start of a long and hard journey. However, they can also mean the first thrilling steps we take on a new path that leads us straight to success. Read on to find out why these three signs have a lot to look forward to this month:
Libra: There's No Place Like Home
As a reward for getting through the whirlwind month of January, the stars have graced you with some serious peace and calm. Upon the lunar eclipse on Jan. 31, you finally said goodbye to some toxic elements in your life that have been weighing you down. Libra, it's time to indulge your newfound freedom.
However, with Venus moving into your 4th house of home and family on Feb. 4, you'll probably feel so cozy in your space that you won't even feel like going out. Why should you? You're getting along great with your loved ones, you're sleeping more soundly than you have in months, and after all your hard work, you deserve some rest. Take advantage of these serene waters and soak in them. Instead of feeling obligated to go out, invite your friends over for drinks. Plan a movie night or maybe a dinner party. Redecorate your space. Read a novel. Treat yourself to some satin sheets. Libra, your home is attracting you like a magnet because you're meant to be there right now.
Capricorn: Self-Care Is The Answer
All your attention has been on your career lately, Capricorn. Believe me, that's a great thing. You're killing it. However, take care to prevent yourself from getting burnt out. Your career won't suffer if you balance out your laser-sharp focus by enriching other areas of your life. In fact, your career will improve while you're not looking.
Your planets are moving into the lower half of your chart, making you more aware of your unconscious. Venus is also lighting up your 10th house of public image. The combination of both will leave you feeling very in tune with your deepest truths, making this a great time to pamper yourself with a luxurious self-care routine. You want your soul to shine through your skin, Capricorn! Hit up the gym. Take a little yoga. Eat well. Your body will love you for it (and you'll love admiring your newfound muscle in the mirror). Set aside some cash for a day at the spa and exfoliate all the negativity away or make some homemade facial masks. Plan some incredible adventures with your loved ones. Make February the month you treat yourself like a princess. Doctor's orders, Capricorn!
Pisces: A Whole New World
The solar eclipse on Feb. 15 will be illuminating your 12th house of spirituality and this is a big freaking deal for you, Pisces. This will lift many of your antiquated understandings of the world away from you like the universe is pulling weeds. This might initially feel terrifying, as the ground will feel like it's crumbling beneath you, but trust in the process. You'll be amazed by how quickly new flowers will grow in their place.
Solar eclipses often force us to embark on a new chapter in our lives and since spirituality will always be a central theme in yours, this'll change everything. You will see your world more vividly, dripping in fresh colors. Your loved ones will appear to you in a new light. You might even have a long overdue realization about what it is you truly want to do with your life. All of this will feel exhilarating to you, Pisces.
Make sure you set aside to journal, meditate, walk through nature, or anything that you normally do to get in touch with yourself. Listen deeply, for your inner voice will be speaking to you with sparkling clarity. Follow your intuition this month, Pisces, and don't look back.