If You're Any Of These 3 Signs, Gemini Season Will Feel Incredibly Demanding
On May 20 — at 9:49 a.m. EST — a light-hearted Gemini season will grace us with its presence, but this new astrological season comes with a catch. Venus retrograde will square off with Neptune, and this is one of the reasons why Gemini season 2020 will be the worst — not for all of the signs in the zodiac, thankfully, but it'll be especially rough for Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Venus — the planet of relationships, pleasure, and values — stationed retrograde on May 13 in the curious sign of Gemini, so it will already be on its backwards journey upon the sun's shift into the same sign. On the first day of Gemini season, the sun will also square off with Mars, and this could potentially spark tension. Mercury — Gemini's planetary ruler — will also be sitting closely with Venus. In the midst of this charming exchange, Mercury and Venus will be challenged by the fog of elusive Neptune, and this challenging square between Mercury, Venus, and Neptune will could inspire your creative muse. However, don't fall for what seems like the ideal scenario just yet. Neptune paints a beautiful picture, but it's up to you to make sure it isn't all just an illusion.
Fortunately, the sun will be in harmony with Saturn during this time and this will provide the necessary discipline and structure you need to move forward, despite the effects of Neptune's cloudy ambiguity. Gemini can be really fickle, so it's important to stay grounded this season.
Here's why things could get tricky for Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces under Gemini:
Cancer: This Will Be A Karmic Season For You
You, more than anyone, know the universe works in mysterious ways, Cancer. And this is especially true for you this season with the sun, Mercury, and Venus activating your mystical 12th house of karma, closure, spirituality, and forgiveness. This astrological house governs everything related to your unconscious mind so it's normal to feel more tired than usual, especially with three planets transiting through this area of your chart.
Venus will also be retrograde, which will leave you no choice but to review the dynamic of your past relationships, and perhaps find the closure you've been seeking. Closure can be something incredibly positive but the question is, are you ready to let go? Finding the will to forgive yourself and the people who have caused you pain will liberate you in more ways than one. Don't settle for less than you deserve.
Scorpio: You're Reflecting On Your Version Of Intimacy
Just because you know a thing or two about making love doesn't mean it fulfills you at a soul level, Scorpio. Sounds harsh, especially for you, but this Venus retrograde will be equivalent to Pandora's box, especially with regard to your intimate unions and psychological experiences. With the sun, Mercury, and Venus activating your sultry eighth house of committed partners, soul-to-soul contacts, and transformation, you'll likely experience a number of thoughts and intuitive downloads revolving around intimacy.
These planets will also be challenged by Neptune via your expressive fifth house of fame, romance, and passion, and this could create a tug of war between your fear of loss versus your smoldering desires. You're a pro when it comes to transforming and it seems to me like you're about to experience yet another metamorphosis; only this time, it'll involve your intimate partnerships.
Pisces: How Has Your Upbringing Affected Your Self-Worth?
When looking back at your childhood, do you remember how your family members communicated with you, Pisces? What about your comfort and sense of security? Are you reluctant to ask for what you desire most? Gemini season always makes you feel some type of way, and this is precisely due to the sun's positioning activating your fourth house of home, family, and inner foundation. With Venus retrograding through this area of your chart, you could rekindle your relationship with a relative, or perhaps have a little heart-to-heart conversation with a loved one.
Despite whether or not you're comfortable with what the universe is bestowing upon you during this retrograde cycle, it's important for you to confront the emotions that could come up. The sun will be challenged by Mars in your sign towards the beginning of the season, which could spark some ego trips between you and your loved ones. Take a deep breath and don't take the passive aggressive route. Mercury and Venus will also be challenged by Neptune in Pisces, but this will give you an opportunity to set some much-needed boundaries. Open your heart and allow yourself to heal.