
This Shelter Pays You To Hang With Cats in Greece, So BRB Quitting My Job

by Lara Walsh

International Cat Day (Aug. 8) might have come and gone, but feline-minded individuals can extend the furry cuddles — on a Grecian island, no less — with this dream gig that'll have you packing your bags, bidding adieu to your job, and getting ready to live out your Mamma Mia! fantasies IRL. That right, you can get paid to hang out with 55 cats with God's Little People Cat Rescue's cat caretaker job, and it's a career move that you're definitely not going to want to pass up. Here's how to apply ASAP, because the Aegean sea and countless kitten-filled adventures wait for no one.

In a job listing posted on Facebook, God's Little People Cat Rescue begins by confirming that yes, this is real, because a "paid job offer with cats" sounds almost too good to be true, TBH. From there, it's explained that a qualified candidate is "a mature and genuinely passionate cat lover who knows how to handle many cats and would love their company." The lucky employee will work four hours a day to take care of 55 cats while the owner is away during a leave of absence.

In addition to plenty of company from your new feline friends, the cat caretaker will be offered free accommodation in a semi-detached home with its own garden and views of the Aegean sea (water and electricity included) on the Greek island of Syros, as well as a part-time salary. If you want an idea of what paradise looks like in real life, this is pretty much it.

The owner detailed the ideal candidate she's looking for in her posting (unsurprisingly, being a trained veterinarian is a big bonus). The caretaker will be expected to feed and medicate the 55 cats, as well as drive them to the vet in case of illness, so you'll want to brush up on your manual car driving skills if you're trying to apply.

"You’ll no doubt thrive best if you are the type of person who appreciates nature and likes tranquility - and rest comfortably in your own company," the job posting reads. "From experience the job is most suitable for someone 45+ years of age, who’s responsible, reliable, honest, practically inclined - and really, with a heart of gold!"

In addition to frolicking with a myriad of cats in the comfort of your home, you'll also need to be prepared to trap a feral cat or coax a cat that's having problems socializing, so "cat-whispering skills should come natural to you."

All interested cat whisperers should send an application with a photo and any "relevant information" to detailing their experience and why this cat-filled gig would be perfect for them. The job is expected to be long term, but there's a minimum of six-month requirement with a start date in October 2018. For the first two to four weeks, the successful applicant will be volunteering and getting training along with free accommodation. If you're a good fit, you will start getting paid on Nov. 1, 2018.

They don't detail the salary in the post, but I'm assuming that it's not going to be too much as the post reminds you, "keep in mind this is a part time job WITH house, water & electricity included for free!" In the link they provide, the average Greek salary for last August was 1,087.67 euros, or about $1,242.39, per month. So yes, you're not going to make bank, but you'll live on a beautiful Greek island for free, and you are playing with cats all day (!!!).

As the first day of the job starts in October, you've only got a few weeks left to draft the ultimate cat caretaker application that'll put you ahead of the competition. They will be looking through all applications and then reach out to the finalists for a Skype call at the end of August, so it could be only a matter of months before you're living your best life on a Grecian island, 55 new feline friends included.