Use This Awesome Map From Gruhub To Support Women During Women's History Month
As another month draws to a close, it's time to look forward to what March has in store for you. Beyond bringing you closer to the warm weather of spring, March is also Women's History Month. With a full month dedicated to celebrating the achievements of women, you might not know what you can do as an individual to help the cause. Well, it turns out that one company is making it very simple for its customers to support women during the month of March. Grubhub's RestaurantHER map makes it easy for diners to support women-led restaurants by either dining in or ordering out.
On Monday, Feb. 26 Grubhub announced the RestaurantHER initiative, with which Grubhub is committing up to $1 million to causes that support restaurants run by women, per the press release. Beginning Feb. 26 and continuing throughout the month of March, Grubhub will contribute $1 per person (up to $1 million) for each person who pledges to support women-led restaurants on the RestaurantHER website. It's super easy to help the cause because all you have to do is pledge your support and then choose a spot from the helpful (and super cool) RestaurantHER map that locates the women-led restaurants.
Grubhub CEO Matt Maloney revealed in the press release that the company is excited about this initiative that seeks to elevate women's presence in the culinary world. He said, "We are honored to unveil RestaurantHER to support women in leadership roles across the restaurant community."
The RestaurantHER map highlights restaurants in your area that are either owned or co-owned by women or restaurants with a kitchen led by women. When you order from these restaurants, you're helping Grubhub contribute to causes that support women in the restaurant industry, and you're doing so by eating delicious food. It's literally the most perfect win-win situation.
To assist in this initiative, Grubhub has partnered with Women Chefs & Restauranteurs (WCR), which is an extremely helpful resource for women in the culinary world. According to their website, "WCR helps leverage the voice of talented women, helping to elevate their position while building a strong connection of industry peers."
The first $100,000 of the $1 million commitment from Grubhub will go to WCR. The donation will go specifically toward sponsoring WCR's scholarship program and toward the development of digital toolkit filled with resources to help restaurant operators run equitable kitchens and address current gender issues in kitchen culture.
Chef Amanda Cohen is the treasurer of WCR Board of Directors, and she believes that running a "fair and equitable kitchen" is not a difficult task. With assets like the digital toolkit, Cohen believes that women and men can help move the culinary world toward a more equitable place. She said in the press release, "This partnership puts us in a position where we can provide the tools, not just to women, but to all chefs and owners who have long wanted to do things differently but didn't know where to start."
In launching the RestaurantHER initiative, Grubuhub is tackling what they call on the website, "a unique challenge." According to the information on the RestaurantHER website, women represent less than 10 percent of head chefs across the culinary world, and less than 20 percent of the chefs working in restaurant kitchens are women. For the women who do make it in a restaurant's kitchen, their base pay is 28 percent less than their male counterparts.
Working to change those numbers, Grubuhb is turning to its diners during Women's History Month to help the company keep its $1 million commitment to support women-led restaurants across the country. So, make sure you do your part by signing the pledge and checking out the RestaurantHER map before you order in or plan a dinner out this month. Who knew doing good could taste so great?