Halsey Just Revealed Exactly Why She Broke Up With G-Eazy
Halsey and G-Eazy are back together, but Halsey doesn't regret the time they spent apart. The singer has revealed exactly why they broke up, and honestly, I'm surprised it wasn't solely because his rap name is G-Eazy. Halsey's comments about why she broke up with G-Eazy were part of her interview on The Zach Sang Show published Oct. 8, and the straw that broke the camel's back, in regards to her decision to break up with the rapper, was actually her own music.
"I have to be honest, [writing "Without Me"] led me to my decision [to break up with G-Eazy] at that time," she said in the interview about the process of writing her latest single. It was apparently one of those moments where you do/say/write something that's telling of how you're feeling deep down but you may not be consciously aware of. "I listened to what I wrote and went ‘Oh my god, is that how I feel? If that’s how I feel I need to put the pause on this thing right now," she said, adding, "I’m obviously talking about my relationship. So the song happened first. And it was, just like, this moment of like sincerity."
Halsey debuted the single "Without Me" on Oct. 4.
"'Without Me' is out now. Here are my insides. Handle them with care," she said. In her interview with Zach Sang, she expanded more on the raw emotion heard in the song. She said,
I’ll tell you what. It happened when I looked at my relationships all around me. All of them – cause this song is not just about one … and it made me sit down and go ‘I feel like I’ve given so much to relationships with people in my life and I’m getting nothing back’ … and so I cut a lot of people out of my life. Some temporarily, obviously, because G and I are back together. And some permanently.
Basically, it sounds like Halsey was sick of being the only one in her relationship doing the emotional labor, so she ended the relationships that blindly asked her to do that. She and G-Eazy are back together now after a brief break, but it's good that she took the time apart to set boundaries.
The single is apparently just going to be a single, however. She's working on her third album, but she said "Without Me" won't necessarily be added to the track list. "I don’t think the third album is going to sound anything like that song," she said. "'Without Me' is a record I’m super proud of because I just let it rip. I just f*cking went for it. It’s the best my voice has ever sounded… and it’s the most emotionally meaningful song — for me — that I’ve put out."
She also said in the interview that despite "Without Me" being the catalyst for their breakup, G-Eazy still loves the song. "We were fans of each other’s music before we were dating," she said. "So despite the way it might hurt … how are we to dislike the thing about each other that made us fall in love with each other to begin with? He respects me as an artist… We’re humans. And we’re in our 20s … god, give me a break. I’ve grown. He’s grown. We’ve grown together. And how great is that?"
Andddd there you have it: All of the reasons Halsey and G-Eazy are back together.