The Reason Hannah Doesn't Want Tyler To Be The Next Bachelor Makes So Much Sense
I mean, let's face it. Having an ex move on is never easy. Having an ex do it on national television would be even tougher. So, yeah, Hannah Brown's reaction to Tyler Cameron possibly being the next Bachelor makes total sense. "I think it would be a little hard to see him as the Bachelor because there's still feelings there, but I would support him in his happiness," Brown told Entertainment Tonight on July 31. "I think that the main thing is figuring out what will make both of us happy, and if that's for him to go on and to have the opp to be the Bachelor, I would support him in finding his happiness, just like he supported me with Jed."
For those of you who missed the memo, Brown broke up with Jed Wyatt after news came out that he was still in a relationship when he entered the show.
Since then, Brown has been having second thoughts about her runner up, Cameron. So much so that she even asked him out for a drink on After the Final Rose. Whether or not they actually go on a date is still to be determined. "We saw each other after the show and gave each other hugs and [said] see you later," she told Entertainment Tonight on July 31. "We'll find out when's a good time for both of us to hang out."
"It's only been two months ago, so my feelings just don't go away, but also we've both been hurt. I hurt him, I was hurt through that, and I was hurt through the relationship that I had," she continued. "I think it's really important that if any type of relationship is going to happen for Tyler and I, that we hang out, and just see where we're at, and if that's friends, if it's more, I'm good with that."
Whether or not they wind up together, the two want to stay together. "I want to continue to be a part of his life, and I think he wants to be a part of mine," she said. "But at what capacity, I don't think we know just yet. But I'm excited to see him and catch up."
She also admitted to Entertainment Tonight that she's had some regrets about choosing Wyatt over Cameroon. "I feel bad, shoulda, coulda, woulda with a lot of things, but I do know that I held back my feelings with [Tyler] for a really long time. And in that moment, I felt everything, but I think I was scared and thought it was a little too late to be able to change my mind and be able to be engaged, but I do know that those feelings for him were real and true, and I can't change it."
Here's to hoping both Brown and Cameron wind up finding happiness, whether it be with or without each other. Yes, we'd all love to see a season of The Bachelor featuring Cameron, but if he finds happiness getting back together with Brown, then that's great, too!