Harry Styles & Olivia Wilde's Astrological Compatibility Is Dreamy
Almost a week into the chaos that is already 2021, I've got some good news for you. Per People, One Direction singer Harry Styles and actress and director Olivia Wilde are reportedly dating, and the internet can't get enough of the adorable pair. According to sources close to the duo, their reported romance is only a few weeks old — but if you're already wondering what Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde's astrological compatibility has to say about their relationship, then look no further for the celestial tea.
A source reportedly told People the two were in Montecito, California for a wedding on the weekend of Jan. 1, where "they were affectionate around their friends, held hands and looked very happy. They have dated for a few weeks." Although there's no telling where their reported love story might be headed, their zodiac signs have some serious synergy. Born on Feb. 1, Styles is a quirky and effervescent Aquarius, while Wilde, born on Mar. 10, is a creative and whimsical Pisces.
As a fixed air sign, Aquarius is a visionary driven by creative thought. Their eclectic taste and propensity for originality make them a lot of fun to be around. As a mutable water sign, Pisces operates from a place of emotionally driven creativity. From day one, these creative spirits usually feel at ease in each other's presence. For this reason, it's common for an Aquarius and Pisces pair to develop a deep friendship before the relationship becomes romantic. Although neither may have made a conscious decision to be friends first, this natural inclination lays a solid foundation for communication and understanding that runs deep.
Although this isn't a relationship that typically results in many conflicts, when disagreements do arise, it's usually due to Pisces' fluctuating moods and Aquarius' unwavering opinions. However, as long as Aquarius is sensitive to Pisces and doesn't turn every disagreement into an intellectual debate, Pisces will be quick to forgive. In the bedroom, Aquarius and Pisces are both eager sexual partners who enjoy creating their own intimate language. Since creativity is a theme of their partnership, it's not uncommon for artistic elements to play a role in their sex lives, à la Ghost.
All in all, this is a solid match that has the potential to develop into a serious partnership. Even in situations where the romance between Aquarius and Pisces fizzles, it's not uncommon for them to remain life-long friends. Although the reported romance between Styles and Wilde is still fresh, it'll be v interesting to see how the situation evolves.
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