These "Unicorn Poo" Bath Bombs Will Turn Your Tub Into A Rainbow Paradise
Simultaneously balancing a full time job, a healthy lifestyle, and an active social life can be a lot to handle at times. Let's face it: Adulting can be really hard. But after a long day, there's something special about unwinding with a warm, soothing bath. And whether you prefer to take the plunge with a glass of wine, some music, or a tabloid magazine, a bubble bath can answer pretty much any and every problem. If you need a little extra magic to convince you otherwise, though, you might need a colorful bath bomb. In fact, here's where to get "Unicorn Poo" bath bombs. Yeah, unicorns do exist, and bathing with their "poo" will make you feel like a damn rainbow.
Don't let the (potentially questionable) name of "Unicorn Poo" deter you from enjoying this magical bath time experience. Coming from someone who's taken a helluva lot of baths over the years, I can confidently say that these potent miracles sound absolutely divine.
According to Cosmopolitan, Unicorn Poo takes form in tiny rainbow balls of love. They make your entire tub and body smell like raspberries, and... surprise! They turn your bath water into a multi-colored sea of happiness. The best part is that you can order an entire bag containing 10 of them from Firebox's website for only $11.39. And that, my friends, is not a fairy tale.
Firebox's in-depth explanation of where Unicorn Poo comes from is really what has me convinced in its mythical and mysterious powers. Per the product description, Unicorn Poo is "freshly foraged from mythical pastures," and just by the sound of that, I think I'm in love. Unicorn Poo bath bombs are a vegan Brooklynite's dream come true — and TBH, I am so about every part of it.
Oh also, I know I said I was saving my money this month, but I guess that's over now. I mean, what's an $11 setback? Whatever. Sorry morals, and goodbye self control. I hardly even knew you.
If you still can't get past the "poo" part of Unicorn Poo, don't get too discouraged. Unicorn-themed bath bombs aren't solely limited to excrement (if you're all done with the doo-doo). Lush is coming in clutch with a Unicorn Horn that's only $8 on their website. Trust me: It's super cute, and if you haven't already seen it, it's a pastel-colored bubble bar that smells like lavender and neroli. It's beautiful, and will absolutely liven up your bubble bath. (Not to mention it'll provide for some excellent bath bomb Instagram pics.) If you have one, take photos, because I'm hella jealous.
Instead of the Unicorn Horn, would you be interesting in something that'll really turn your bath time upside down? Unless you're some sort of mouth breather, you should probably check out each and every one of the Stranger Things bath bombs on Etsy. From waffles and Christmas lights to Shadow Monsters and nosebleeds, you can make your bath feel like you're hanging out with all your pals in Hawkins, Indiana. Just make sure that your bath isn't too hot, because remember: The Mind Flayer likes it cold.
While life can be tough, Unicorn-themed baths undeniably make for a truly magical end to the day. And, what could be better than getting some of that all-natural magic? If a fizzling ball of rainbow Unicorn Poo just isn't your thing, you could try bathing with a magical unicorn horn, or you could even branch out to rub-a-dubbin' in the wild world of Stranger Things. Pretty much anything is possible at bath time, and how you choose to scrub your troubles away is entirely up to you.