'Riverdale' Just Revealed A Major Connection Between The Farm & The Gargoyle King
Since Season 3 of Riverdale began, fans have suspected that the strange new cult the Farm and the masked serial killer the Gargoyle King must be somehow related, but there has been no real proof of that until now. On Wednesday night's new episode, we finally got a major clue that seems to confirm the Farm and the Gargoyle King are secretly working together. So how are the Farm and the Gargoyle King related on Riverdale? One important term connects the two dangerous organizations.
Spoiler alert: This post contains plot details from Riverdale Season 3 Episode 13, "Requiem for a Welterweight." The two biggest mysteries on this season of Riverdale have definitely been the Farm and the game of Gryphons and Gargoyles. Although they have been dealt with separately on the show, some fans were quick to suspect that the two mysterious new entities moving into town at the same time probably meant they were somehow related. On Wednesday night's new episode, Betty Cooper learned more about the Farm, including the fact that the cult has a penchant for using the Gargoyle King's favorite word: ascension.
As Alice Cooper prepared herself for a potentially deadly baptism into the Farm, Betty tried contacting former Farm members. She finally gets a woman named Martha to speak to her about her time at the Farm. Martha says that her sister Marigold was drowned during the baptismal ceremony, and that the Farm holds several ceremonies meant to bring members as close to death as possible. The big reveal comes when Martha states that the Farm performs these deadly ceremonies in order for the members to "ascend." That is the same word that the Gargoyle King's followers constantly use when they talk about death.
In case you forgot, Ben Bailey claimed that he was ascending when he threw himself out of the hospital window, and Ethel Muggs was set on ascending when she drank cyanide during a game of Gryphons and Gargoyles. The Midnight Club also dubbed the night that the Gargoyle King appeared to them as Ascension Night. Now we also know that the Farm is encouraging its members to "ascend" through lethal acts. It seems clearer than ever that the Farm and the Gargoyle King's followers are just two sides of the same coin.
There have been some clues about this connection before. Most notably, several of the Gargoyle King's kills have been from followers drinking poisoned Flavor Aid. This is a clear reference to Jim Jones' cult, and draws comparisons between the Gargoyle King and the other cult in town, the Farm.
The connection also emphasizes one prime Gargoyle King suspect even more: Edgar Evernever. There have been several theories about the Gargoyle King throughout the season, but the one that has always seemed most likely was that the Farm's never-seen leader Edgar Evernever may be under the mask. Now we know that Edgar is leading followers in "ascension" in the Farm, exactly like what the Gargoyle King is doing with Gryphons and Gargoyles. It sounds like one cult leader is behind both cults.
We will have to see how the two mysteries come together as Riverdale continues its third season next Wednesday.