Kim K Revealed How She Realized Kanye Was "The One" & It's Actually Pretty Funny
Relationships are filled with milestones. The moment you become exclusive. The moment you decide to make it "official." The moment you first say "I love you." The moment you fart in front of each other for the first time. And finally, when you meet the right person, there comes the first time you know they are going to be the one you spend the rest of your life with. These milestones are part of the falling in love process for everyone. Yes, even celebrity couples, like Kimye. Wondering how Kim Kardashian knew Kanye West was the one?
Well, luckily for you, she recently shared the deets on that special relationship moment with her bae. I don't know about you, but I feel like everything I've ever heard about Kim and Kanye's romance is how in love Kanye was with Kim from the very beginning. The narrative I've grown accustomed to is that he always knew she was the one, even when they were just friends. But when did she realize the same thing? Well, during an appearance at the Create & Cultivate summit (which, according to Glamour, is "a program gathering female entrepreneurs from across the U.S. to spark conversation around the various challenges working women face"), Kim let herself get a little vulnerable and shared the moment she knew their romance was the real deal.
Now, personally, I expected the moment Kim knew Kanye was "the one" to be just as over-the-top as everything else about their life and romance. But it's actually pretty simple. Some might even say shockingly simple. And it's pretty funny, too. She explained at the event:
I sleep with the heat on ... 80 degrees and socks and a robe, every single night. The first night I slept at Kanye’s house … I won’t say the date because I’ll get in trouble, but years and years ago, he slept with the heat on and socks, and I was like, 'Omg, I met my soul mate.'
Yep. You read that correctly. Kim realized Kanye was it for her when they both put their socks and robes on in their 80-degree bedroom. First of all, as someone who gets way too hot at night, this sounds like my own personal hell. Second of all, I want to know why she can't say the date! I want deets!!
But, for now, we're going to have to settle for this surprisingly mundane piece of information. Let's treat ourselves to a moment of imagining Kim and Kanye snuggling in bed with their robes and fuzzy socks on — nice and toasty.
Kim finished up her time on the panel by answering some quick would you rather-style questions, asked by her best friend, Allison Statter. So let's hear some more fun facts about our girl, Kim.
According to Glamour, when asked whether she liked ice cream or froyo more, she responded, “Ice cream. Cookies and cream. I had some today.” Can I just say, my answer would be exactly the same? TWINS.
As someone who has dabbled with both brunette and blond hair, Kim had some definite opinions on whether or not blonds really do have more fun. “I wrote today that I’m so over blond hair, but I don’t know," she explained. "I really love my blond moment, but I think I’m a brunette at heart. So brunette.”
She also had some complicated sentiments on the whole sneakers-vs.-heels debate. “Honestly, I never thought in a million years I’d say sneakers," she said at the summit. "I didn’t own a pair legitimately unless it was a running shoe, and heels for life, but sneakers are up there. Yeezies.”
When it comes to reality TV vs. scripted TV, the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star obviously had a bias: “That’s the dumbest question. Reality TV.” That isn't to say she's boycotted scripted TV completely. According to Glamour, she's been trying to watch This Is Us but has been met with some challenges along the way:
I've watched the same pilot … we gotta talk to whoever on that Direct[TV] [on-]demand. I’ve watched the pilot episode four times now to get to the end because you can’t rewind. So I’m only on the pilot.
So, if you want to spend some time figuring out if your partner is the one, à la Kimye, blast that heater to 80 degrees, slap on some matching robes with your bae, snuggle up, and get started on the This Is Us pilot.
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