You Don't Have Long To Buy Girl Scout Cookies This Year, So Stock Up ASAP
Do-si-dos, and Samoas, and Tagalongs, oh my! Move over Christmas cookies, your time in the spotlight is officially up. Now that everyone's go-to snacks are making the rounds once more, people are beginning to wonder, "How long are Girl Scout cookies available?"
Let's all take one collective sigh of relief. If you're out of gingerbread men and cannot possibly fathom the thought of anything peppermint-flavored, you'll be pleased to know we've just entered the wonderful time of year known as Girl Scout cookie season. Rejoice and grab a glass of milk.
For those who cannot live without their annual packages of Thin Mints and Samoas (like yours truly), now is the time to act accordingly. Beginning in January, the highly-desired treats are available for sale. You have multiple opportunities to score a box of your favorites — and try some new flavors — as this marvelous event lasts until April. If impending blizzards have you down, you can treat yourself to some classics while getting snuggled inside. Talk about a perfect form of hygge, right?
They say that the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year, but in actuality, it's the time directly following New Year's. The goods are officially up for grabs, and it's time to embrace the cookies in all of their glory. Little ladies, I look forward to your troops visiting each house in the neighborhood (please ring my doorbell before the Thin Mints sell out).
You might have some time to get your hands on those sweets, but like any good Girl Scout cookie purchaser, there are a few things you need to know. If the snow is keeping your local troops from going door-to-door and you've got a hankering for some Savannah Smiles, it's time to look elsewhere. Visit the Girl Scouts' cookie website and type in your zip code to find cookie sales in your area. It's magical, and I'll just have to add a few locations to my list to snag a few boxes.
Is there a little lady you know who is in the Girl Scouts? If your niece or cousin is trying to raise money for her local troop, visit the Digital Cookie page. Keep in mind, this feature might not be available for every market. According to the site,
Depending on your council, girls will either use a personalized cookie website or app (the Digital Order Card for LBB councils) or a cool mobile app, e-cards, or direct links (Smart Cookies Mobile for ABC councils) for Digital Cookie sales.
These kids are really stepping into the 21st century. It totally takes me back to the days in elementary school when I had my parents fill out my cookie forms at work (albeit old-school, but got the job done). There was nothing more satisfying than beating your playground arch nemesis in cookie sales and scoring the better Girl Scout swag (clearly, I might've missed the point of this whole season).
Speaking of 21st century methods, there is another way to get a box of your must-haves. After posting your latest #dogstagram, you can download the Girl Scouts app on iOS or Android and press "Find Cookies Now!" How perfectly simple is that?
While you're scanning your phone for a box or two (perhaps 10), some fun flavors to look out for include S'mores (a new fan-favorite according to USA Today), Trefoils, Lemonades, Thanks-A-Lot, Trios, along with the typical orders such as Thin Mints, Samoas and Tagalongs. Have a look online to see what strikes your fancy, but keep in mind that all flavors might not be available in your region.
Happy dunking and munching, cookie fans!
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