Kellogg's Unicorn Cereal Might Not Last Forever, So Buy A Box ASAP
Although I grew up aspiring to be a unicorn, I'm sorry to say that I never ended up fulfilling the dream. I'm consistently covered in glitter, opalescence has always been my jam, and I even sported a unicorn horn in elementary school from time to time... but, unfortunately, I never truly ended up pursuing my unicorn-related aspirations. If you're also guilty of setting your mystical dreams aside and wish to indulge in some unicorn-themed breakfast, here's how long Kellogg's Unicorn Cereal will be available. Take note, because even though unicorns live forever, the cereal might not.
In case you haven't yet given Kellogg's Unicorn Cereal a taste (for one sacrilege reason or another), its taste somewhat resembles a cupcake explosion... so even if you aren't an aspiring unicorn, getting your hooves on a bowl is completely mandatory. And I'm not just saying this because it's the delicious cereal of my dreams, but I can barely fathom that it won't be available forever. According to a source from Kellogg's, the delicious dessert-like breakfast doesn't have a set end date — but it is available all year while supplies lasts. Although it was widely released in March, it might not be available forever — and if you couldn't already tell, I am 100 percent distraught. The moral of this, however, is to stock up while you can. If you end up buying several boxes, some might go stale, but at least you'll be stocked forever and ever... and that's all I really need in life.
I'd like to issue a personal apology to you and your family if you haven't yet bought your own box of Unicorn Cereal... it's truly an unforgettable experience that nobody should have to miss out on, especially since its super easy to buy. Make sure to find out exactly where you can purchase some through Kellogg's online store locator. If you're not able to find it in your neighborhood grocery store, though, you can just request Kellogg's to send a few boxes to a supermarket near you. So seriously, get on that; no excuses. Getting your hands on some unicorn deliciousness really isn't impossible for anybody, even if you are a muggle of sorts.
Aside from local groceries, New Yorkers can also find Unicorn Cereal at Kellogg’s NYC. I'd honestly recommend trekking there any day, because I'm pretty much constantly in a cereal mood. However, keep in mind that they're only stocked with the unicorn magic while supplies last.
In July 2017, a slightly different version of the Unicorn Cereal that we have come to know and love was available in Germany... but based on Instagram user, Candy Hunting's photo of the box, it appeared to have come in different colors from the United States' version. It was also sold in very limited quantities (immediately selling out at Flake's Corner Cafe), and it wasn't widely available to buy in grocery stores. I am totally and utterly overjoyed that the unicorn gods were fortunately able to bless us with this heavenly gift in the United States, because I would have never otherwise been given the opportunity to give it a few (or more like, a million) tries.
If you don't already feel like a unicorn, now is your chance. Kellogg's Unicorn Cereal truly is the magic that I need to be included in my morning routine, and I can already feel myself glimmering in its beauty. Its availability is limited, though, so just keep in mind that your unicorn powers are not guaranteed to last forever. Buying more than three boxes is basically mandatory, so I recommend making a grocery pit stop like, now. Cereal takes precedence over most things, especially if it's enchanted.