Starbucks' New Triple Mocha Frappuccino Will Be Here For A Long, Long Time
You probably heard that Starbucks released a new drink on the menu called the Triple Mocha Frappuccino. TBH, it sounds like the drink of my dreams — but just like Starbucks' other recent frappuccinos, I'm scared it'll be gone in the blink of an eye. How can I let myself fall so deeply in love when I'm afraid the drink will only be here for a limited time? If you don't want to catch "feelings" before finding out how long Starbucks' Triple Mocha Frappuccino will be available, I'm in the same boat as you are.
I don't want to get your hopes up, but the Triple Mocha Frappuccino sounds divine. With even more chocolately layers than the original Mocha Frappuccino, it's topped with Sweet Cold Brew Whipped Cream, so I know it's going to be a hit in my book. The drink was released on May 1 in Starbucks stores throughout the United States and Canada, and guess what? It's going to stay on the menu permanently. Yes, you heard that correctly: It's on the permanent menu. Now get out there, order a Triple Mocha Frappuccino, and tell it how you really feel. Triple Mocha, I love you long time.
One glimpse of Starbucks' Triple Mocha Frappuccino will make you crave it. If the drink hasn't caught your eye yet, let me describe it for you: The frappuccino is layered with Sweet Cold Brew Whipped Cream and mocha coffee frappuccino, and has drizzles of dark mocha sauce in between. In all honesty, I never believed in love at first sight (until now). And the taste? Don't even get me started. The Triple Mocha Frappuccino tastes a lot like the OG Mocha Frappuccino, which is a dangerously delicious combo of coffee, mocha, ice, and of course, whipped cream. However, the Triple Mocha Frappuccino has so much more texture and layers. I can guarantee that it won't disappoint you, so you should probably run to your nearest Starbucks and try it out for yourself. I am totally confident that it'll live up to the hype.
This glorious menu item is accompanied by yet another new addition that's here to stay: The Ultra Caramel Frappuccino. Also available as of May 1, the creamier version of the original Caramel Frappuccino is drowning in caramel sauce, Sweet Cold Brew Whipped Cream, and dark caramel coffee frappuccino. But again, it tastes even better than it looks. Amidst the first sip, you'll taste hints of caramel and coffee. The aftertaste, however, will leave you wanting more, with hints of cold brew from the coffee-flavored whipped cream. I'm not saying that you should cheat on The Triple Mocha Frappuccino, or even the old school Caramel Frappuccino, but I will say that you'll have to make a choice between the two. And that, my friends, will be the hardest part.
It seems like May Day might actually be the new Christmas, because Starbucks will also be bringing fans Sweet Cold Brew Whipped Cream throughout the United States and Canada. This dangerously delicious combination will consist of cold brew coffee, dark caramel sauce, white chocolate mocha sauce, and of course, whipped cream. In case you were wondering how I'll be enjoying this delicacy, it's about to top every single one of my Starbucks orders. TBH, I may just eat it straight out of a to-go cup. Goodbye, self control. I hardly knew you.
While it might be risky, I do, in fact, believe in life after love. The Triple Mocha Frappuccino is going to remain a constant in my life forever and ever, so I know the love is real. The Ultra Caramel will also stay by my side until the end of time, though, so stay tuned to see which one I ultimately choose for my lifelong drank. All I know is that each of my Starbucks beverages, as well as my face, will probably be topped in Sweet Cold Brew Whipped Cream on a daily basis. It's something I've come to terms with at this point.