Most Millennials Don't Plan On Voting, Poll Says, So Talk To Your Squad ASAP
Whether you like us or not, you really can't deny the influence of Millennials. We're the most tech-savvy, diverse, unique... I could really go on here. But there's also a major problem within this group: Millennials have long been considered fickle voters, which is especially alarming considering the midterm elections are just around the corner. That said, you may be wondering how many Millennials actually vote, and the number will make you want to call up your squad and make sure they're registered ASAP.
Although Democrats are winning over young voters in stunning numbers, there are concerns that they might not actually show up to vote in the 2018 elections — especially because a newly released poll from the Public Religion Research Institute and The Atlantic found that only 28 percent of young adults between the ages of 29 said they are “absolutely certain” they’ll vote, Vox reported. The study also found that 74 percent of seniors, who are more likely to vote Republican than millennials, said they are “absolutely certain” about voting in the upcoming elections — a massive contrast between the two groups.
However, Vox also pointed out varied results from other polls: a May poll by APNORC and MTV determined that 32 percent of young voters would certainly vote in the midterms and 56 percent were likely to. Another poll conducted by Cosmopolitan and SurveyMonkey in March found that 48 percent of young voters were “absolutely certain” they’d vote in the elections.
Even so, all of the results are still pretty alarming, given that the midterm elections will shape the remainder of Donald Trump's presidency. Republicans (Trump included) and Democrats are, specifically, facing pressure regarding their stances on issues like gun control — heightened by the tragic mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida that resulted in the deaths of 17 students and staff members on Feb. 14, 2018 — and health care access.
Or, depending on the outcome of the election, Trump could even be impeached — if Democrats won back Congress and decided to pursue the option. Back in April, an unnamed source shared that the Trump administration was certainly aware of the possibility, telling The Hill that holding onto the GOP majority in Congress "is super important to the White House, and really the whole White House is very focused on it."
Point in case: there's a lot at risk in the upcoming election, and Millennials are gonna be the ones who truly influence the outcome. If you need any more convincing, Dave Wasserman of the Cook Political Report told Vox that part of the reason Trump won the presidential election was because young voters didn't show up — and many of those who did cast votes for a third-party candidate. About 49 percent of Millennials voted in the 2016 election per the Pew Research Center, with around two million of them voting for either a third-party candidate or choosing not to vote for any of the presidential candidates on the ballot, according to The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE).
Also, former first lady Michelle Obama made this really rad video, titled When We All Vote, to help voters understand the importance of showing up to the polls and letting their voices be heard.
So save the date and let all of your besties know: the midterm elections are on Nov. 6, 2018. Be there or be square.