The Lunar Eclipse May Do Some Weird Stuff To Your Body, So Here's How To Prepare
For as long as there has been a moon, there have been stories about the effects of that beautiful glowing orb on us humans. Undoubtedly, lunar eclipses have their own chapter in terms of these myths and explanations. Some have claimed a lunar eclipse was the result of a jaguar stealing the moon, for example. Scientifically speaking, though, a lunar eclipse happens when the moon passes behind the Earth into its shadow. It's all super fascinating, but you'd be lying if you said you never stopped to think about how the lunar eclipse affects your body.
First of all, I have to be honest with you and say upfront that there's not a ton of scientific evidence out there that suggests the lunar eclipse has any impact on your body. There are, however, plenty of anecdotal claims, folk stories, and pseudoscientific theories. And, interestingly enough, while science might not be fully behind the lunar eclipse's effect on your body, even NASA gets behind the idea that it might have some impact on your psyche. It says, and I quote, that "eclipses have always been capable of producing profound psychological effects." So, do with that what you will.
If you're gearing up for the blood moon (aka the creepier way to refer to the lunar eclipse) coming up at the end of January, take a look at how some believe it might affect your body.
01It Might Regulate Your Hormones
It has long been speculated that there's a connection between the moon and a woman's period. But is there real evidence of this?
Well, there's the obvious relationship between the two: The length of a woman's menstrual cycle is typically around 28 days, and the length of a whole moon cycle is about 29.5 days. But TBH, no one is really sure if and how the moon affects your hormones.
Some believe that it has to do with gravitational pull, and that the moon might regulate your menstrual cycle. In fact, a study of 826 women showed that nearly 30 percent of them consistently had their periods during full moon phases.
02It Might Affect Your Fertility
In many cultures, the moon is a symbol of fertility. And get this: Some believe that the best time for a woman to get pregnant is during something called her "lunar peak." A woman's lunar peak is determined by figuring out what phase the moon was in during her own birth, as it is believed that there's a relationship between this phase and a woman's peak fertility each month. Moreover, it's thought that the moon affects fertility in a similar way to how the moon affects changing tides of the ocean.
For what it's worth, if you're trying to get preggers right now, instead of a full moon or lunar eclipse, a new moon might be the best time to try.
03It Might Keep You Up At Night
This one actually has a little scientifically tested evidence behind it! Research shows that the full moon does have an impact on sleep, so on the night of the super blue blood moon (Jan. 31), you might want to take extra measures to make sure you're relaxed. Prepare yourself with a nice eye mask, soothing teas, and maybe even a calming nighttime playlist.
04It Might Mess With The Food You Eat
OK, so before you freak out over this one, I need to make it clear that there's very little legit evidence here. But, according to mystic and yogi Sadhguru, "during lunar eclipses, what would happen in 28 days over a full lunar cycle is happening in a subtle way over the course of two to three hours," and this apparently has an impact on anything that has "moved away from its natural condition," like food that has been cooked. Sadhguru believes this takes energy away from your body, making it harder to eat food during the eclipse, thus becoming a kind of "poison." I know, I'm a little stumped, too.
Do with that information what you will, but just know that we're not really buying it, and you definitely shouldn't take this as a reason to restrict your food intake or anything else like that during the lunar eclipse. In fact, why not invite some friends over, whip up a delicious meal, and have a potluck to celebrate the rare occasion? Take that, Sadhguru.
05You Might Not Feel Like Yourself
Feeling moody or anxious during the lunar eclipse? Well, get in line behind basically all of history. Whether you're simply in awe of this rare and lovely event in the night sky, or you're feeling a legit shift in your mood, don't be too surprised if you feel a little, you know, not like yourself.
If you're worried about feeling off on the day of the lunar eclipse, plan ahead by carving out a bit of time that evening for some meditation, a warm bath, or even some time to laugh and unwind with people close to you.
Here's to the powers of the moon, my friends!