These Are Your Go-To Products When You Don't Have Time For A Shower After Your Workout
Admit it: When you go to your cycling class before work, or even before a social event, you don't always leave yourself enough time to properly clean up. Whether the line to the shower is too long, or your fitness establishment — *gasp* — doesn't even have a place to rinse off, you're often tasked with the challenge of figuring out how to clean up after a workout without a shower. But all that really means is you need to improvise a little when it comes to your hygiene, you feel me?
After all, the human race got through the dark ages, right? And those people never showered, as far as I know. Trust me, I have gone straight from the gym to a dinner with friends more times than I care to recall, and I can confidently tell you that skipping your post-workout shower doesn't have to mean you'll smell like the inside of your sneakers, no matter how hard you went in that boxing class. You just need a couple of products to help freshen everything up from head to toe.
But let me give you one pro tip before I tell you what those products are: The most important thing of all is to make sure you bring clean underwear and socks. It makes every bit of difference if you remember those two major details, and the rest is just gravy — except, you know, hopefully you're going to leave your sweat session smelling a little better than gravy.
01A Spray That Is Basically A Shower
Power Shower Post Workout Cleansing Spray, $25, sweatWELLth
All you need to do when you use this puppy is spray and wipe. Not only will you feel super clean, you'll retain your moisture, because it's packed full of jojoba and coconut oil. It's cooling and cleansing, so like, what more could you ask for right after a sweat sesh?
02A Squeaky Clean Face Wash
Organic Rosewater Face Wash, $29, Amazon
I don't think my face has ever felt as clean as when I've used this face wash, despite it being totally natural and gentle as can be.
My advice? Pour a little into a travel bottle, and keep it in your makeup bag so you can always have it with you on-the-go. Yes, it's a little costly, but a little goes a really long way.
03A Little Something To Bring Your Hair Back To Life
Morning After Redefining Foam, $14.99, Amazon
Hair can be quite a problem after a good sweat; it's one of the giveaways that you haven't bathed. But that's fine, I got you.
After you flip your hair back and forth like you're at a metal concert for a few minutes, add a product that will soak up some of that oil, while giving you a little fluff at the same time. This goodie by Mixed Chicks is awesome, but dry shampoo or baby powder will get the job done, too.
04A Natural And Refreshing Spritz
Purequosa Rain, $17.95, Amazon
When you use this Purequosa spray, you don't even have to even wipe down your body afterward. You just spray all over, and it busts your stink like that. You can spray it in your pits and on your face, it's that natural.
Plus, with essential oils like bergamot, tea tree, and lime, this baby will feel stimulating and calming all at the same time.
05A Super Strong Deodorant
Old Spice Deodorant, Original Round Stick Formula, $5.31, Amazon
Old Spice will always be one of my favorite scents, and these guys make a damn strong deodorant. Wipe your pits with a damp paper towel and a swipe or two of this, and ta-da, you're good as new.
06A Reusable Towel To Wipe Down Sweat ASAP
Tyr Dry-Off Blue Towel, $15.51, Jet
Swimmers often use these towels to dry off quickly after a race, as they're really good for mopping up moisture on the fly.
You can also fold these guys up to be super small, making them incredibly easy to take on-the-go.
07A Perfume You'll Fall In Love With
Santal 33 Eau de Parfum, $80, Le Labo Fragrances
Whether it's a pricy perfume you splurge on for your birthday, or even a simple jasmine water spray, it's always a good call to top off the whole faux-shower experience off with a sweet scent.
Because, at the end of the day, there's nothing a little perfume can't fix, right?