This New Acne Scar Treatment Literally Fills In Scars From The Inside Out
Acne scarring is unexpected at best, and annoying to say the least. First of all, you didn't ask for the d*mn pimple to pop up on your face in the first place. Then, it leaves behind a lasting reminder of its tenure on your skin. Not cool. Thankfully, learning how to get rid of acne scars for good just got easier. Turns out, the derm you visit for prescription creams might be able to permanently fix your scars by injecting them. What the what?!!?
Bellafill is a new filler on the market that reduces the appearance of acne scarring immediately, so you can get rid of the reminders of the little white-headed demons, aka pimples, that rudely invade your face at the most inconvenient times, like first dates, graduations, and picture day. Now you can say sayonara to raised or depressed sections, which are different from marks that are simply darker than the rest of the skin, with a little help from a needle.
Let me start off by saying you are beautiful, just in case you didn't know, but hopefully you already did. As warm, fuzzy, and cliché as it may sound, we all have scars, emotional and physical, that we gather over the course of our lifetime and bear like a badge of honor. However, I know not everything can be bunny rabbits and sunshine. No one asks for acne, nor do they ask for the scars it may leave behind. If you want to get fillers to make yourself feel more confident in your own skin, then go for it dude! As I always say, you should do whatever makes you feel the most beautiful. Whether it's eyeliner, tattoos, or injections, none of us need them to live, but if it makes you happy, then do it ASAP!
With that being said, if you feel like your acne scarring has been weighing you down, then you may want then you might want to give this new filler a try. Bellafill is the first dermal filler proven to treat acne scarring, which is pretty awesome. For years, the industry has been reducing signs of aging with injectables like Restylane and Juvéderm, but now there's a filler for those plagued with the skin struggles in the post-pubescent years.
The results are pretty spectacular. In the photo on the left, the scarring is depressed and deep, particularly around the outer corner of the mouth and the jawline. However, in the photo on the right, the surface of the skin appears to be significantly smoother. It's such a dramatic difference, it almost changes her facial structure.
While injections might not rid you skin of scarring entirely, they certainly help to reduce the appearance of it. The Bellafill gel consists of 80 percent collagen and 20 percent polymethylmethacrylate microspheres. What is polymethylmethacrylate, you might ask? I had the same question.
After a little snooping around the interwebs, I discovered that polymethylmethacrylate is a polymer (aka synthetic plastic) that is commonly used in fillers due to the fact that it is widely compatible with human tissue. In the past, polymethylmethacrylate has been used in contact lenses, dentures, and bone replacements, so it's well-tolerated and widely studied. Now, you can put it in your face to fill out any areas where acne scarring may occur.
Just like collagen injections can smooth fine lines and plump up wrinkles, the collagen in Bellafill adds volume to the depressions in the skin cause by scarring and softens the overall surface texture of the skin.
The polymethylmethacrylate is the real MVP of this product though. Even as the collagen dissipates with time, the little molecules of polymethylmethacrylate create a chemical scaffold that gives structure support under you skin. With the metaphorical chemical scaffolding in place, your own collagen (which your body produces naturally) can attach to the scaffold and create its own volume to fill out acne scars. Cosmetic science is pretty wild.
The results of Bellafill last for over five years! That's much longer than the effects of lip fillers and the like. So depending on your feels on your own acne scarring, it may be worth the investment.
Just know that you must be 21 years or older to have Bellafill injected at your local derm's office, and that the price will vary based on your particular skin and how much product you need. Anyone interested should absolutely consult with a derm to see if Bellafill injections, Fraxel laser sessions, or good ole hydroquinone lightening cream will work best for their scars.