The Foolproof Way To Introduce The New Person You're Dating To Your Friends
Once you and the new person you're dating finally manage to come up for air after weeks of spending every second together, it's probably time to incorporate them into other areas of your life. How you introduce your new boyfriend or girlfriend to your friends will inevitably affect your relationship with this person.
Take this extreme case as an example. In Season 3, Episode 8 of How I Met Your Mother, architect Ted Mosby introduces Cathy, a new girl he's dating, to his friends at dinner. When he realizes that none of his friends like her, he pressures them into telling him why. Unwillingly, they reveal it's because she talks too much — a flaw Barney claims Ted is blind to because he's infatuated with her. Once Ted hears this, he immediately finds his new partner just as annoying as his friends do and is forced to call it quits.
Ted's inability to think on his own aside, it's true that how and when you introduce your new partner to your friends will, to some extent, determine the future of your relationship. Assuming everyone involved in this situation is important to you, you'll want them to get along with each other. Here's exactly how you should go about introducing them so that, unlike Ted, it doesn't take you nine seasons and all of New York City to find love.
Planning The Introduction
Introducing your new partner to your friends is a big deal so you should definitely plan ahead. Dating coach and best-selling author Diana Dorell says, once you and your partner have agreed that you're ready to take this step, "let them know how important they are to you and how much it means to you to be able to introduce them to your friends." Knowing that you're excited to welcome them into other areas of your life will help calm any nerves they have about meeting your friends.
To make things easier, Dorell advises, "Ask your partner what they need to feel most comfortable when they meet your friends. Perhaps, they will feel more at ease meeting only one friend at a time. You need to know this before you organize a meeting." Not everyone can navigate a first-time meeting with a large group of people. Being mindful of your partner's preferences in unfamiliar social situations isn't just for their benefit, either. If your partner is overwhelmed by the situation, you risk having your friends see them as standoffish or abrasive when they're really just uncomfortable.
Picking The Spot
As far as deciding on a place to introduce your new partner to your friends, Dorell recommends keeping things simple. She says, "The best place to do this is in a fun environment, like a casual lunch, group outing, or outdoor event where everyone can converse in a low-pressure way." If Barney Stinson has taught us anything, it's that laser tag is always a good idea. If your partner is up for it, play on opposing teams so they get a chance to interact with your friends on their own. It will be a lot easier to break the ice if everyone is having fun.
A more casual setting also ensures that the time commitment isn't excessive, which is important in the event that your partner and your friends have very little to say to each other. Of course, if things do get awkward, it's your job to step in and lighten the mood.
Chaperoning The Event
Your No. 1 priority on the day of the meeting, Dorell says, is to "make it a happy event!" Meeting new people is always a little intimidating but if jokes (and drinks?) are flowing, the mood will be a lot less intense. To get things started, try introducing each party with a funny story that you know everyone in the group will appreciate — for example, if your partner likes coffee, you might talk about how you and your best friend bonded in line at Starbucks during your freshman year. Remember that you are probably one of the few things they have in common so be prepared to bridge any gaps in the conversation. Ideally, you should make sure each person feels important and included.
If you're still nervous about introducing your new partner to your friends, remember that all any good friend really wants is for you to be happy. If they see that this person cares about you, they'll make an effort to be friends with them, too. If, on the other hand, things don't go well, know that although your friends' opinions are important, the most important opinion about your romantic relationship is really your own. Dorell adds, "If you are happy and fulfilled in your new relationship, their opinions are secondary." So don't beat yourself up about a botched meet-and-greet.
There are no rules that say your partner has to become a part of your friend group. In fact, it's probably a good idea to maintain some distance between these areas of your life to remind yourself that every relationship — romantic or platonic — adds something different to your life. Maybe, like Ted's first on-screen crush, your partner will become the Robin Scherbatsky of your friend group (Robin became closer friends with Lily than Ted ever was). Or maybe they'll just share a quick drink with your friends every once in awhile. Either way, as long as you're able to maintain happy, healthy relationships with all the people who matter to you, you'll be just fine.
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