Here's How To Use Stories Highlights On IG So You Can Show Off Your Favorite Moments
Your Instagram just got a major makeover. A new feature was rolled out on Tuesday, Dec. 5 that allows users to pin their Instagram Stories to their profiles, which means you never ever have to say goodbye to your favorite Stories again. Here's how to use Stories Highlights on Instagram. It's actually really easy, I promise.
First off: the basics. Stories Highlights are pinned to your Instagram page and show up in a separate tray underneath the regular Stories Tray (and your Instagram bio). To use the feature, you must first go to your profile. Once you're there, you should see a circle where your Stories Highlights will be that says "New." Click on it! Once you tap the "New" circle, it'll take you to your archived stories. While you're there, you can choose your favorite stories to add to your Stories Highlight group. After you've chosen your favorites, you can press "Next" and then give your Highlights a name (make sure it's not too long so it doesn't get cut off).
After you've named your first Stories Highlight group, tap "Edit Cover." You can then choose your favorite media from the bottom of the screen to be the cover for your Stories Highlight. Then, tap "Done" and "Add," and you're all set!
In the ongoing internet battle that is Facebook vs. Instagram vs. Snapchat, Instagram might have just given itself a big leg up with this one. By merging Stories with the user's profile, there's most likely going to be lot more activity and interactions happening throughout the platform. Everyone's profile will suddenly become a one stop visual feast of pictures and Stories. Also *bonus points* now you can stalk your crush all in one easy, confined space.
Side (very related) note: will Stories Highlights still show users when you've viewed their stories? Because that's crucial information.
If you agree, you'll be happy to learn that yes, you will be able to see your increased viewer count while looking at your Highlighted Story.
Here's how the Stories Highlights will look on your profile.
This is the first of many upgrades Instagram has been making in recent months. In November, the platform began allowing users to upload videos and pictures to their Stories that were more than 24 hours old. Kinda like Snapchat's Memories feature (I told you that there's a real battle going down).
You can also now view Stories on your desktop computer, super zoom into your own face during those Stories (why), and use a stop-motion feature to turn a series of photos into a video. The latter is still in its testing phase but sounds like an absolutely delightful upgrade. Let's get that one started ASAP, please.
Oh yeah, and another crucial upgrade allows you to see who follows you just by clicking on the person's profile. This is very useful, but will also probably make things awkward when you realize someone you're following isn't following you back. That bit of information can hang over a friendship for a long time.
Instagram seems to be encouraging more desktop use, as well. In addition to being able to check out Stories on your laptop, you can also view your bookmarked posts from the comfort of your computer. This appears to be a strategic bid on Instagram's part to gain popular footing on all different kinds of platforms. That's all fine and good, but I really feel like Instagram is more of a phone thing.
Here's to many more upgrades to come, and so, so many late nights spent going down the long, twisted, emotionally complicated tunnel that is Instagram. It's forever a love/hate thing.